LittleBigPlanet 3
Thunder Blaze : Jets Adventure Update 3.0 (1 Player)
Archive: 3 posts
2015-08-02 22:11:54 / Author: SuperLarno
After many many months of procrastination and development I bring to you...
ThunderBlaze Update 3.0 This 3D Platformer takes you through the story of Jet and his friends taking a journey all around the planet and more to stop the great evil looming over them named Yang! The 3.0 Update has fixed past levels 1 and 2 while including 2 NEW LEVELS with more to come in the future! If you meet any problems in the adventure then leave a comment on the adventure/level so it can be fixed to make it just that 10% more awesome that it needs to be as great as it can be, any and all help is needed! from Music creator to Play-testers! |
2015-08-02 22:11:54
Author:SuperLarno ![]() Posts: 10
2015-08-02 22:33:29 / Author: Biorogue
Cool! I shall queue it right up.
2015-08-02 22:33:29
Author:Biorogue ![]() Posts: 580
2015-08-02 22:58:41 / Author: t567y-
Sounds cool. Queued!
2015-08-02 22:58:41
Author:t567y- ![]() Posts: 71
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