LittleBigPlanet 3
LBP3:Shadow Of Ruin Part 2 Sneak Peek!
Archive: 1 posts
2015-07-26 17:03:16 / Author: Mecko
Well I've made a map a week ago i believe called The Shadow Of Ruin and in the comments i said"This map will have a part 2."
So I'm working on the Shadow Of Ruin Part 2 right now but I've given the wonderful people of the LBP community a sneak peek to it offering them the following items if it's completed Item 1:Shadow Of Ruin:Ruin attack sackbot! Item 2:Shadow Of Ruin:Theme(Not all that good to be honest) Item 3:Shadow Of Ruin:Good Ruin's costume! |
2015-07-26 17:03:16
Author:Mecko Posts: 13
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