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LittleBigPlanet 3

LBP3 Finally Shaping Up?

Archive: 39 posts
2015-07-22 18:03:19 / Author: nerd_dog
It's been a super long wait. But since more recent updates, LBP3 seems to be shaping up quite a bit (at least for many). Most DLC that wasn't available has come back, less cases of profile corruption for PS4 users, multiplayer is much better than it was before, many small errors and annoying bugs have been fixed, community search options are better and more customizable, ect, ect...That being said, there's still a lot that needs to be addressed. But on the positive side, things seem to be looking up.
I am personally finding the game much more enjoyable now. I believe the development team has made a lot of great progress on fixing LBP3, and they're taking note of peoples bug reports and doing what they can to fix them.
I'm surprised that most of the recent feedback that i see isn't really mentioning this. So.. what are your thoughts? Am i just crazy? Have i been brainwashed? Are they slipping me cash on the side to say these things (i'll never tell >.>? lol
But in all seriousness, i do believe that LBP3 is finally starting to shape up to be the game that it was meant to be.
2015-07-22 18:03:19
Posts: 1483

2015-07-22 19:41:21 / Author: Blacksackman
There's plenty of feedback mentioning this on the update notes. But feedback can't always be positive. The community cares very much about the state of the game that's why we constantly report bugs, errors, and broken stuff so that the developers can locate and fix as much as they are capable of. And I have my doubts on their capabilities, trust me on that one...

There's still some major things that they need to fix/change before I can fully enjoy the game. Otherwise they are currently doing a good job in fixing what they originally screwed up.
2015-07-22 19:41:21
Posts: 84

2015-07-22 19:54:48 / Author: Tynz21
I thought this was the case until my profile corrupted again like 2 days ago, losing yet another started level. On the bright side, I now have all the major DLCs back, though the move pack I still can't play through and am hoping for an analogous pack to the cross controllers sci fi pack so I can get back my move assets.
2015-07-22 19:54:48
Posts: 89

2015-07-23 00:49:00 / Author: gurren009
I think the problem was that people were already frustrated with the bugs when it came out, so that made people less enthusiastic and supportive about the game.
2015-07-23 00:49:00
Posts: 617

2015-07-23 01:50:48 / Author: Nick930930
You know what's funny, I thought this exact same thing today. I just now was showing a level to my brother that previously was broken thanks to some odd glitch that caused the framerate to drop for absolutely no logical reason.

And this issue was completely fixed in one of the updates recently. In a published level too!!

I went out and bought a PS4 camera so I could replay the move pack, and the game itself seems to be working better. It's not perfect, there's still a duplicate "Helghast" costume in my costume selection, you can't seem to log in as a guest with a secondary controller without logging into a totally different account (that doesn't have any of the story mode costumes). And there's still low framerates in a bunch of levels, even official DLC packs like "Pirates of the Carribean."

Not only that, but all LBP1 levels have visible logic now.

So again.. not perfect, but definitely better. Hopefully the community returns, I can't imagine many stuck around as long as I did, and heck.. I abandoned the game for quite some time.
2015-07-23 01:50:48
Posts: 15

2015-07-23 04:28:53 / Author: vusco
I think that maybe, beyond the number of errors in LBP3, people expected something more innovative (perhaps?), But I think you're right. and I will continue to wait to that Sumo improve with the dynamic thermometer. But besides these arrangements sincerely I hoping in this new release, new types of physical materials such as slime and elastic material, or a dark light. but the future is uncertain and mysterious, perhaps appear in a DLC, who knows? I'll have my fingers crossed.
2015-07-23 04:28:53
Posts: 101

2015-07-23 07:11:10 / Author: dakrrs
It only took them 8.5+ months to get the game reasonably stable.

Baby steps.
2015-07-23 07:11:10
Posts: 561

2015-07-23 07:48:14 / Author: BiggiSchnupsi
Have the same feelings (and hope)!

And it is so important that most of the community isn't broken!
Broken levels can be fixed, but the community has to stay motivated!

LBP = Community = creative levels = fun = be amazed = LBP
2015-07-23 07:48:14
Posts: 28

2015-07-23 10:10:30 / Author: nerd_dog
@dakrrs lol true

my big thing is that I can host 4/4 easily now. being able to connect to people was my biggest concern personally.

and trust me, I agree with most of the negative feedback in here as well lol. but after a while, seeing nothing but the same old "LBP3 SUCKS" kind of threads continuously popping up all over the place gets old.... really old.
2015-07-23 10:10:30
Posts: 1483

2015-07-23 10:29:18 / Author: Sound Friction
They are too late. Seeing that the digital version of the game (most expensive in most cases) is only €20,- in Europe. The game is no success it seems.
2015-07-23 10:29:18
Sound Friction
Posts: 437

2015-07-23 11:51:26 / Author: Tynz21
They better come up with a time saver for the move pack because there is no way on God's green earth I'm paying $50 to recollect something I already own that was promised would be compatible that wasn't. Thats just a scam.
2015-07-23 11:51:26
Posts: 89

2015-07-23 18:30:14 / Author: dakrrs

Unfortunately if you own LBP2 Special edition...
2015-07-23 18:30:14
Posts: 561

2015-07-23 19:42:49 / Author: nerd_dog
"It's too late"

for what? lol

if people have completely given up or sold their copies or whatever, then that's their deal. still plenty of creative fans that haven't given up on the game. i see an active community out there. it is smaller but still quite active.

i think on the other hand, there's a big part of the community that were quite active over at LBPC, and I've heard many of those people say things like "the community is completely dead.".. well... no.. but i suppose it would seem that way. i mean.. go check out the other forums and you'll see a very active community. if you look for good new levels, it wont take you long to find some.

the whole "community is dead" thing seems silly to me because what i now see, is plenty of newer and lesser known creators making amazing things. and in a community of elitists (many that are quitting), it would seem like no one is playing the game or creating anything good... well... they're simply not looking at the whole community.
2015-07-23 19:42:49
Posts: 1483

2015-07-23 20:31:51 / Author: gurren009
We need something to bring back old fans of the series. It's sad because they came back to lbp just to play lbp3, only to find out it was a buggy mess.
2015-07-23 20:31:51
Posts: 617

2015-07-23 20:37:18 / Author: amiel445566

Maybe find some easier way to promote good levels? But then we find the problem... how do we define good levels, and how do we easily find them. That said and done, we can revive this floundering community (not dead, just quiet)
2015-07-23 20:37:18
Posts: 127

2015-07-24 03:16:30 / Author: gurren009
I agree. I think Sumo's best chance is a large expansion update on lbp with a variety of new logic tools. Some people were really let down by the lack of new logic in lbp3. That should bring the logic community back at least. Maybe they could also add a few new instruments as well.
2015-07-24 03:16:30
Posts: 617

2015-07-24 05:49:40 / Author: Psmerga
LBP3 is a cool game if you dont encounter bugs.
When i look in my friendlist, i see people that own LBP3 but play 2.
Some of them said from beginning that they wont buy 3.
I dont see the community dead but what i see is that some people dont play that much like they normaly would.
2015-07-24 05:49:40
Posts: 373

2015-07-24 17:56:46 / Author: MaverickHP
I remember not playing this game for 4 months due to my anger with how broken this game was. I came back two months ago to pretty much no difference. But as of recent, I can join people, my profile doesn't crash, and I can play with little lag. I'm pleased by this, but it took far too long for me. Apparently it did for others too, due to our smaller community. Idk what happened during developement, but it feels like the game only launched this month, with everything before that being an open beta. Though I'm happy with what the game now is, with more developement time the game could've been this way on day one, and kept a large chunk of members from leaving. I hope they do come back.
2015-07-24 17:56:46
Posts: 18

2015-07-24 18:42:13 / Author: kubac2000
Oh yay. LBP 3 is really as it finest. Now all of my friends are gone, reason: omg thus game is 11/10 I'm gonna throw it at the window because bugs. (we just couldn't join but we did then)

Sorry, but no. Today because of that I'm really in bad mood. Not because this game "sucks' or whatever.. Community, especially polish is getting horribly worse because they're impatient.
2015-07-24 18:42:13
Posts: 329

2015-07-24 20:10:41 / Author: Sound Friction

Waiting for a game that plays without loads of bugs months after the release isn't really great either. So yes, call me impatient.
2015-07-24 20:10:41
Sound Friction
Posts: 437

2015-07-24 21:17:21 / Author: nerd_dog
I'll quote the LBP loading screen here "Patients is a virtue..."

.. I think LBP is trying to mock us...

and.. "Have you tried.... Blaming Carl?"

I know I have...
2015-07-24 21:17:21
Posts: 1483

2015-07-24 21:40:35 / Author: amiel445566

"Readying for launch", I audibly lol'd at that one
2015-07-24 21:40:35
Posts: 127

2015-07-27 05:47:24 / Author: Nick930930
Are you guys really surprised by how long it took this game to get fixed?

It's not anything new this generation... EVERY game has been like this. A disasterous launch with months upon months of "Catch -up" work for the developers.

I mean holy crap... Battlefield 4?! That game is JUST now running the way it was intended! The community is alive and well and there's all kinds of new maps coming to it for free.

Games take longer to make and demand is growing higher and people are getting more impatient... eventually we're going to run into issues like we did these past 2 years with games coming out broken. I'm sure Assassins Creed Unity, Batman Arkham Knight, Witcher 3, Battlefield 4, Evolve, Halo Master Chief Collection, Driveclub, LittleBigPlanet 3, GRAND THEFT AUTO ONLINE...

ALL of them could have benefited from another year of production... but alas.. we're stuck being beta testers nowadays.
2015-07-27 05:47:24
Posts: 15

2015-07-28 12:45:01 / Author: nerd_dog
It's strange when you think about console games that were made before the big leap into online play. Many of these games only had minor bugs. Obviously, the developers knew they couldn't count on being able to patch it all up after release. This new trend of less-than-finished games being released is a bit worrisome.. but, I think it's worth noting that, many of the newer games that had release issues still worked well enough offline. it seems that online multiplayer and the issues that can come from playing online, can be harder for developers to predict.

That being said, LBP3 definitely had plenty of bugs to be encountered whether you were playing online or off. But things are starting to shape up with the game. hopefully, some of the people that sort of gave up on it will get back on and notice that things are working a lot better than before.
2015-07-28 12:45:01
Posts: 1483

2015-07-28 17:26:42 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
They messed up in the earliest stages. (Well, obviously but)
For one, they obviously did not wait long enough to be released, and on top of that, they made the Beta short and limited making our bug testing skills early on, useless.
They should have allowed more features and beta time so we could help them before most of it happened. I understand with spoilers and all it was not that easy to just give us a lot of their secret features.... actually it didn't change much. Lol. 
They could of at least said, "sorry guys, we will have to move the release to next year."
Yes, dissapointment would occur, but I am sure there would be a lot more players if they fixed LBP3 while it was easier to do so.
2015-07-28 17:26:42
Posts: 416

2015-07-28 17:36:23 / Author: WickedRob
I was gonna post something asking if LBP3 was playable yet. I bought it day 1 and with all the great features it brought, there was so many bugs. I was on the verge of just putting in LBP2 again. So idk if I should take the time to get invested in LBP3 again or if i should wait for a sequel :/
2015-07-28 17:36:23
Posts: 5

2015-07-28 18:38:53 / Author: XZombieKing1999X

The game will one day be fixed probably, it is just very difficult and expensive.
Those of you who say, "we want patches, not dlc," patches cost $40,000 USD to upload. They make dlc so they can raise money to patch the game. If you guys all want more patches start buying a lot of dlc. Anyway, besides the issue of money and possible bankruptcy, it is also harder fixing an already released game. Like, it is easier while in development to fix a whole area than it is to upload an expensive coverup for it. 
I think you should still try to play LBP3 and give it a chance again, but other than that it will be a while since the game didn't sell well.

But anyway, everyone, buying dlc fixes LBP. So stop complaining and put your efforts into helping them fix LBP3 by "donating" by purchasing.
2015-07-28 18:38:53
Posts: 416

2015-07-28 18:45:22 / Author: Tynz21

The game will one day be fixed probably, it is just very difficult and expensive.
Those of you who say, "we want patches, not dlc," patches cost $40,000 USD to upload. They make dlc so they can raise money to patch the game. If you guys all want more patches start buying a lot of dlc. Anyway, besides the issue of money and possible bankruptcy, it is also harder fixing an already released game. Like, it is easier while in development to fix a whole area than it is to upload an expensive coverup for it. 
I think you should still try to play LBP3 and give it a chance again, but other than that it will be a while since the game didn't sell well.

But anyway, everyone, buying dlc fixes LBP. So stop complaining and put your efforts into helping them fix LBP3 by "donating" by purchasing.

A drop in the bucket for Sony computer entertainment 
2015-07-28 18:45:22
Posts: 89

2015-07-29 01:40:47 / Author: MaverickHP

But anyway, everyone, buying dlc fixes LBP. So stop complaining and put your efforts into helping them fix LBP3 by "donating" by purchasing.

my donation of sixty dollars should do nicely. Especially considering how broken it is.
2015-07-29 01:40:47
Posts: 18

2015-08-06 04:39:43 / Author: dragonicfire
I can definitely say there has been a major improvement in the game since it first came out. There is still the occasional hiccups that I still have people tell me about but other than, it's playable. I can't say the same for the PS3 version but I seem to function properly on the PS4. I'm able to play with people with them either constantly diverging or it just not allowing them to connect at all.

I still think they should of delayed it till probably this year or the beginning of this year but we can probably blame Sony and their stupid deadlines
2015-08-06 04:39:43
Posts: 85

2015-08-06 06:41:24 / Author: AL2009man

According to vgchartz, I believe it sold around 1.62m (combining both PS4 and PS3 versions together) as of this post.  

since this is vgchartz we're talking about, it doesn't include Digital and it ain't accurate, but it pretty close to say it sold moar than 2 million copies both Physically and Digitally.

PlayStation Store EU Charts for July 2015 includes LBP3 on it.

LBP3 PS4 is on 09th place while on LBP3 PS3 is on 6th place. basically it sold more on PS3 on July of this year than PS4.

here's the worst part, Sony seem to be more worried with Driveclub than LBP3. (in reference, not many gaming media picked up the disastrous launch of LBP3)

The game will one day be fixed probably, it is just very difficult and expensive.
Those of you who say, "we want patches, not dlc," patches cost $40,000 USD to upload. They make dlc so they can raise money to patch the game. If you guys all want more patches start buying a lot of dlc. Anyway, besides the issue of money and possible bankruptcy, it is also harder fixing an already released game. Like, it is easier while in development to fix a whole area than it is to upload an expensive coverup for it. 
I think you should still try to play LBP3 and give it a chance again, but other than that it will be a while since the game didn't sell well.

But anyway, everyone, buying dlc fixes LBP. So stop complaining and put your efforts into helping them fix LBP3 by "donating" by purchasing.

Not really, that was Microsoft's pricing model to patch games. as of 2013, Microsoft already changed/removed that cost.

We're still have no idea what Sony's price is, but I bet its really cheap or free, I still believe its similar to Indie Dev Program's
2015-08-06 06:41:24
Posts: 20

2015-08-06 08:45:41 / Author: BiggiSchnupsi
IMHO LBP 3 should have been made by a developer who really loves Sackboy and LBP 3 ,
not by someone who seems looking for prestige projects and lose interest if it's not a great success ...
2015-08-06 08:45:41
Posts: 28

2015-08-06 18:23:28 / Author: Psmerga
I think that MM screwed the engine from the very beginning and every new update is like trying to build a stone house on the wooden fundament. In my opinion, lbp2 and 3 are only big dlc for lbp1. Why i think so? When the same screwed bugs and glitches are appearing in all 3 games, then they obviously run on one and same engine with few patches.
I paid 50€ for Lbp3. It was a regular price for a game where everything was programmed from the scratch.
That means that they saved all developing costs + gets tons of money for easy made dlc.
This should be only criticism on development of the game from my side and not badmouthing.
2015-08-06 18:23:28
Posts: 373

2015-08-07 02:35:48 / Author: AL2009man

even thou, half of the Sumo Digital staffs were actually LBP fans and also Professional Community Creators. (for reference, they created Cross-Controller DLC for LBP2) I mean, they got steve_big_guns on their team! 

and yet, Media Molecule gets a pass and gives a blame on Sumo Digital and (sometimes) sony, at least according to the younger guys of the community. this is quite sad if you think about it.
2015-08-07 02:35:48
Posts: 20

2015-08-07 02:57:22 / Author: Psmerga
Well i assume that MM did everything under the whip from sony since it is PS exclusive game.
Since this is how money works, sony should be responsible.
2015-08-07 02:57:22
Posts: 373

2015-08-07 08:34:12 / Author: BiggiSchnupsi

even thou, half of the Sumo Digital staffs were actually LBP fans and also Professional Community Creators. (for reference, they created Cross-Controller DLC for LBP2) I mean, they got steve_big_guns on their team! 

You misunderstood me, or better I expressed it wrongly (it would be easier for me in german^^).
I should have said published by someone who loves LBP.
Cause the LBP 3is excellent, the new materials and tools, the new chars, I love it!! And I never had much problems on the PS4. But when I read the complaints of a big part of the community, I think the PUBLISHER does not spend enough ressources to make them happy!

But maybe this is all Sony's fault, not Sumo's.
2015-08-07 08:34:12
Posts: 28

2015-08-09 06:06:34 / Author: Godzilla

It had to be modified a little. LBP2's lighting engine is slightly different from LBP1's, and by "different", I mean that the shadows look like crap. On the contrary, things in LBP2 seem to look a little sharper.

4 years, and still no fix for the glitch where inverted logic that is producing a signal in LBP1 will not be producing a signal in LBP2 or LBP3, and no fix for the visible logic glitch, either.
2015-08-09 06:06:34
Posts: 13

2015-08-12 02:28:47 / Author: AL2009man

even thou, half of the Sumo Digital staffs were actually LBP fans and also Professional Community Creators. (for reference, they created Cross-Controller DLC for LBP2) I mean, they got steve_big_guns on their team! 

You misunderstood me, or better I expressed it wrongly (it would be easier for me in german^^).
I should have said published by someone who loves LBP.

Yep, you expressed wrongly.

It had to be modified a little. LBP2's lighting engine is slightly different from LBP1's, and by "different", I mean that the shadows look like crap. On the contrary, things in LBP2 seem to look a little sharper.

If i recall, LBP3's Lighting Effect is separated in both version.

in PS3's version is basically the same shadow as LBP2 while PS4's is like Shadows are set to High. that really helps make a couple of Top-Down Levels more lovely. (at least accoring to the BETA since Digital Foundry didn't review this)
2015-08-12 02:28:47
Posts: 20

2015-08-12 13:50:29 / Author: diego246

There actually IS a timesaver pack kind of... A glitcher captured the prize bubbles in the move pack and published a level with them. Unfortunately you will not get the level complete, collected all prizes, or aced level prizes. Here is a link if you decide to re-buy the move pack:
2015-08-12 13:50:29
Posts: 25
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