LittleBigPlanet 3
The Speedrunners World
Archive: 1 posts
2015-07-15 18:37:36 / Author: Fox Stevenson
Hello everyone. I've just published a level I've been working for quite a while.
The Speedrunners World - 1 players only. Description: This is a speedrunner's dream, be fast and agile to complete challenges and obtain collectabells to spend them in goodies at the Wise Man's Store. Parkour oriented gameplay inspired by the game Mirror's Edge. Do you like a good challenge? If so, then this level is for you. Welcome, to The Speedrunners World... -40 items to collect on the store (Realistic real world weapons and other cool gadgets you can use.) -over 30 minutes to 100% the level. -5 Quests -Unlimited fun! Note: At the end of the level if you press continue it will lead you to the Wise Man's Store. This level turned out to be bigger than I thought so the termometer is not dynamic as I didn't intend to use it. It may lag on a few sections of the level but it's fine. |
2015-07-15 18:37:36
Author:Fox Stevenson ![]() Posts: 22
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