LittleBigPlanet 3
Someone care to help? [PS4]
Archive: 3 posts
2015-07-15 19:39:13 / Author: SonOfSparda
Hi guys,
For a few months for now I'm proceeding with my adventure Mage3. I spent a lot of time designing and planing the levels (I made only 4 out of 11,but it's something xD) So basically I need someone to rate my levels, tell me what he thinks about them, and help me create the rest : ---------------------------------------------- Plot (in a shortcut): Sackboy travel across the Imagineland in order to find Merlin - an archmage who could teach him the secrets of the Arcane arts. Instead of a peaceful atmosphere he finds out that Merlin's students went evil by a spell casted by the ghost of Aurora - former Merlin's apprentice seeking revenge on her master... ------------------------------------------------ Characters: Merlin Aurora Students: Catelyn - a fire-wielder - casts fire spells without a wand; rough; rebel; intelligent Sigma - an ice-wielder - casts ice spells without a wand; very intelligent; smart; Visarius (Vis) - a lightning-wielder - casts lightning spells without a wand; hungry for power; never gives up -------------------------------------------------- Levels: Basically the level design is based on medieval/fantasy concept. -Forests of Ystormund (Hub) : (*)Cutscene - Prologue (*)Training Grounds (*)Castle Rush! (*)Castle Rush! | The Lock (Boss fight; accessible only from Castle Rush!) -A little light -Fire and Ice (Boss fight) -(cutscene) -Darkstone Chapel (Hub) : (*)Forests of Ystormund | Darker Side (*)Reunion (*)Abandoned Land: Heart of Corruption (another name: Grande Finale! ; i can't deciede :/ ) -A promise of peace (interactive cutscene) -BONUS - (after finding all secret painting pieces) Enemy form afar |
2015-07-15 19:39:13
Author:SonOfSparda Posts: 20
2015-07-17 23:11:03 / Author: five-ate-five
Looks nice, maybe add more visible level link strings, looks kinda messy without those
2015-07-17 23:11:03
Author:five-ate-five Posts: 69
2015-07-18 00:12:02 / Author: Co-baseball246
I'd like to rate your levels, I'm always in the mood for a different kind of adventure to play. While I'm at it, I may find some way to exit the level. I seem to do that in levels' or just entirely find someway to exploit it. You know? Push it to its limit.
2015-07-18 00:12:02
Author:Co-baseball246 Posts: 48
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