LBF Music
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Lets try this again...
Archive: 2 posts
2015-07-13 01:57:21 / Author: Sparky-Gaming
To those who don't know, LBFMusic has been up for quite some time. I was one of the first to sign up, however I have never been showcased. Now, I can understand why, due to not so friendly conversations between me and the main curator. However, I've matured up a bit and I really encourage people to check out my 3rd gallery. It has my best work and it expresses a lot of different emotions and has a lot of varying genres. SO please, to all LBFMusic curators I've pissed off, I am truly sorry.
PSN: Sparky-Gaming Profile: About Me: I am a 14 year old musician who makes Dark Electronica. Specifically being Drone, Trap, Breaks, and Glitch Hop. My music would go perfectly for a night themed level such as a graveyard, forest, ect. I hope you all do like my stuff. Most Recent: Sparky's Musical Mayhem 3 - |
2015-07-13 01:57:21
Author:Sparky-Gaming ![]() Posts: 50
2015-07-13 02:16:20 / Author: nerd_dog
There doesn't have to be any hard feelings, Sparky. That's not what i'm about. I can guarantee that any conversations in the past don't effect my ability to actually listen to someones music without a bunch of unnecessary bias.
Anywho, welcome back. |
2015-07-13 02:16:20
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
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