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LittleBigStory: Newton

Archive: 3 posts
2014-12-13 08:19:00 / Author: Fatso_The_Frog
Hi. A few months ago, I started a website called LittleBigStories. It was to have a LittleBigPlanet Story written for you every day, with over 1000 words per story. This continued until about Story #15, where I stopped. But now, today, I am going to start it back up again! And since there wasn't necessarily a category for stories, I guess Fanart is the next best thing. Also considering the fact that my website didn't exactly have any traffic by itself, I have decided to share it with you, the active LittleBigPlanet community!

Today's story: Newton (1300 words)

The backstory of Newton. This is entirely Non-Canon. This is simply a fan-made story.

Link: Click me!

If you want to check out any other stories, visit

Happy creating!
2014-12-13 08:19:00
Posts: 17

2014-12-13 09:12:00 / Author: Deleted User
I think that's alot of work :o good job
2014-12-13 09:12:00
Deleted User
Posts: 819

2014-12-13 09:21:00 / Author: Fatso_The_Frog
Thanks. It takes a lot of effort and thinking but the result is wonderful.
2014-12-13 09:21:00
Posts: 17
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