Other Stuff
LBP2 Stuff
Archive: 2 posts
2012-08-08 10:46:00 / Author: pate59
I'm currently working on a shooting level called "Hexter", not sure about the name yet. It comes from the shape hexagon.
It will has move support, as well it's playable with normal controller. Also I try to make it for 1-4 players to play. But it might cause some lag and make the gameplay very easy. There's a "base" for each player, you can't move it or anything. You can only control the pointer and there's a shooter(s) on your base that shoot where ever you point with it. The shots are following the pointer. There's also gun upgrades which make shooting faster, wider and adds 4 mini guns to your base. There's powerups such as shield, bomb and multipier. I might add more. The enemies are simply just flying to your base, some of them are slow and some of them are fast. There might be some more complicate enemies too. I'll reply to this thread iff I come up with something worth of mentioning |
2012-08-08 10:46:00
Author:pate59 ![]() Posts: 362
2012-08-08 12:26:00 / Author: Jaeydan
Sounds pretty cool.
![]() |
2012-08-08 12:26:00
Author:Jaeydan ![]() Posts: 253
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