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Fair Chances for Everyone

Archive: 7 posts
2013-12-07 17:11:00 / Author: TheAngler2010
What makes a good level? What can you make in LBP? I constantly find people in LBP who are great with what they do but don't get any recognition. Take this for and example: Ok, I'm pretty sure you know these two people, Bigsurf77 and Yu-kamone, these two people have 7+ MM picks each for their skills with making platformers.. Yes I know LBP is a platforming game but have you ever though about people who spend most of their time on lbp specializing in Portraits, Art, or Useful Logic? Why don't they get a fair chance at winning the BIG GRAND PRIZE OF THE RARE CROWN? I know there is a contraption challenge but what about musicians? About 99% of the crown contests are platformers (well of what I've seen) why isn't there a crown contest for musicians? I actually like musicians a lot. I am one sorta but seriously lots of musicians make great music and now with the 'tunesday' no musician can get a mm pick. MUSICIANS GET NOTHING BUT TUNESDAY! Come-on MM do you think everyone in the community is good with making platformers? Think about the other creators. I'll just leave this in you guys heads thanks for reading to here
2013-12-07 17:11:00
Posts: 185

2013-12-07 21:45:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
Actually, everybody has a chance to win crowns. Steven recently awarded the JMC Crew for their amazing work in music, logic freaks have the contraption challenge, artist recently had the eye candy, and the pumping carving contest.
I love art, but if you can do art, you can pull of an amazing platformer so you could easily win a contest. I mean; I've seen some amazing art on LBP, that left me in a state of "HOW IN HELL HE DID THIS?!" but don't think you should get a crown for just a painting.
I do partially agree with the Tunesday, i would like the creator to at least get a pin, Tunesday is a good thing, everyone get's one every week just as the Team Picks. I would love having a category in the menu to browse only Tunesday thought.

And most contests are related to platforming, because is a more open:... let's say... Style? Almost anyone can pull off platforming, and everybody likes them.
So, I would love to see a contraption platforming contest. I love levels with really worked movement. "Give us new ways to move a player". It would be fun to see what happens when you combine sophisticated logic and platforming. I bet, allowing an open theme yet a innovative set of rules would allow more creativeness to flow in the contest, instead of just saying: "here's a tittle, create." It may sound like if free the spirit, and allows flow of ideas. But is even harder in my opinion. Just coming up with a idea out of nothing. I hope we see a crown contest on LittleBigForum. Last one was pretty good, and enjoyable.
2013-12-07 21:45:00
Posts: 401

2013-12-08 02:38:00 / Author: DeKa1357
There was a contest on LBPC: LBPC Crown Contest #3 - Synched Up! There you had to do something with music. Not all contests are platformers. There are also many others. Puzzles, minigames ...
2013-12-08 02:38:00
Posts: 1806

2013-12-09 13:26:00 / Author: xan-con
My levels have an extremely unique and clever soundtrack (this is actually my most underrated skill). I know a lot of people who make good music, but I often wish people would come up with more interesting music ideas for their actual levels.

I am weak with logic (compared to logic designers, I am pathetic. I could design creative ideas and environments, but could I design a menu? Not unless there's a cursor involved.) While other people come up with absolutely amazing logic, it sometimes feels unfair to judge average designers against them.

I am average with graphics. Not terrible, but not terribly good. In my newest level (a short underground-themed level), I put a lot of thought and effort (and grid tools) into the way it was designed. In most of my levels, though, I rush the graphics severely.

I am OK with gameplay. Although my series is not really focused on gameplay, I managed to fit a good deal of quiet and potentially challenging gameplay with a lot of important secret areas into the storyline, giving it a solid atmosphere. I wish there were more levels that at least had an actual feel to them rather than just being generic platformers. Although I am often too lazy to fix the problems with gameplay, I just recently finished fixing them all.
2013-12-09 13:26:00
Posts: 104

2013-12-11 10:52:00 / Author: Deleted User
I think it is important to have creative ideas and not limit yourself with standards like platformers, but instead make your ideas come true, no matter how hard and complicated they are, because there are no limits, except for the memory limit(which can be avoided, by simply not putting so many stickers/decorations as most people do). I think that a good level must have a good idea and a well thought out implementation. I think most platformers are not good levels by any means, because they aren't based on any good ideas, and aren't very entertaining any more, they are just aesthetics/visuals shows. But if someone would make a platforming game, where you design your own custom robots and play randomly generated platforming levels as them, that would be a very good level in my opinion, which still would involve in good platformer making skills. I was actually half done making that level, but I lost my progress, somehow...

So I think there should be a crown contest about unique ideas, not necessarily original, but not limited by popular level genres/standards.
2013-12-11 10:52:00
Deleted User
Posts: 819

2013-12-11 19:34:00 / Author: TheAngler2010
Yes! that would be great! But I understand MM making more platformer crown contests considering LBP is a platforming game. But I appreciate everyone's post and hope you guys come up with some interesting things
2013-12-11 19:34:00
Posts: 185

2013-12-11 21:59:00 / Author: DeKa1357
@TheAngler2010: Crown contests aren't from Mm. The fansites make contests.
2013-12-11 21:59:00
Posts: 1806
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