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"Live on Stage - X" by CuriousSack

Archive: 2 posts
2014-07-20 03:06:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi friends,

since I've been working so hard on my "Do you fear Death?!" I nearly forgot that my true passion is to compose songs! And so I sat at my piano and did a new song, something special, music in an old fashioned style you can really dance on. And since I had also a live stage on my moon (which I created while working on my "Give me Five" level), I decided to do a new level series with the name
"Live on Stage - X". This series is conceptualized as one-song-levels each, with a live band performing, cheering in the background, light effects and so on. The music will be jazzy styled.
I will start the level series with the level: "Live on Stage - Time Dance" Levelprogress 90%, only

left to do the animations of the musicians and the cameras.

I wish you all a fine Sunday, greetings, Jürgen^^
2014-07-20 03:06:00
Posts: 865

2014-07-20 13:22:00 / Author: homieproductions
Lookin' good!
2014-07-20 13:22:00
Posts: 22
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