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Top or Flop episode 30!!!!!!!!
Archive: 5 posts
2013-06-09 10:06:00 / Author: jhonsiak
Hello everyone for another time
![]() This is our 30th episode and I'm glad to make it. ![]() Here you will see the 3 new ![]() This week we have 2 Movies and 1 platformer. Let's start: OWL MINE By SnakeOwl Some reviews in the level: - OWL MINE is completely a fun awesome masterpiece! I really enjoyed how you could move freely and have a mixture of controls. That whats brings the fun. I really enjoyed how you put the effort into this. The visuals are amazing i always love visuals! Great work on this level this totally deserves a pink ribbon because this is what you call amazing! Great work Steveni for the pink and great job SnakeOwl for the level! I really enjoyed this. Great work my friend!!! - What an amazing level ! This is what we want on LittleBigPlanet ! Really a perfect level, it's nice to see a concept like this, really a great work here, keep it up guys, the level deserve more attention from the community ! - This is really creative! The detail in the level is amazing and the gameplay was perfect. I also like how you made a character thats based off of your name. Keep up the amazing work! Gameplay: 7/10 Originality: 8/10 Design: 6.5/10 Audio: 8.5/10 RATING: 7.5/10 Okay SOL - A Sunset Silhouette By TheNotorious-187 Some reviews in the level: - Beautiful and Artistic (which is rarely seen on LBP) is something to applaud. A great soundtrack to match the imaginative scenery, which you can see the creator has put his heart and SOL into is a fantastic experience. Great work as always! - I demand to know how you hacked in these external photographic eyegasms. They are clearly too beautiful to be of this game! I'd be perfectly happy just watching this on a loop for hours and hours :-) Underappreciated, in my opinion. - AMAZING artwork you have here; very artistic and detailed. You blended in the colours so successfully and it was just beautiful! Are you an artist in real life? You should be, these artworks show full emotion into them, it's like music to my eyes! ![]() Also here is a video of the movie: Content/Story: 9/10 Originality: 8/10 Design: 10/10 Audio: 9.5/10 RATING: 9/10 Top Guardian of Space -series intro lvl 1- By Xx_Mr_Orange_xX Some reviews in the level: - Very well done! Great special effects, very detailed scenery and costumes, interesting dialogue and characters. Everything a good level SHOULD have. If this trailer is anything to go by, I'm looking forward to what you have coming next! ![]() - Great movie sets and fantastic special effects...the visuals in this movie are definitely top notch with a great story line to go with! Soooo looking forward to the rest of this series!!! - This intro is a testament to hard work and serious creativity. Xx_Mr_Orange_xX and team are redefining what an epic level is with excellent story, special effects and with what are sure to be just as impressive upcoming levels. Mm pick imminent... Here is a video of the movie: Content/Story: 9.5/10 Originality: 9/10 Design: 7.5/10 Audio: 8/10 RATING: 8.5/10 Top Today we have 2 Tops and 1 Okay . If you have different opinions just post them down... That's all for now!! See you soon jhonsiak |
2013-06-09 10:06:00
Author:jhonsiak ![]() Posts: 1535
2013-06-09 10:41:00 / Author: DeKa1357
Good rating! I like Owl Mine very much!
![]() |
2013-06-09 10:41:00
Author:DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 1806
2013-06-12 15:06:00 / Author: TheAngler2010
I honestly think SOL- A Sunset Silhouette should be rated lower than the others. I also think Guardian of Space -series intro lvl 1 is the best because it is a very good series. I know your probably thinking that they didn't pick the series they picked the intro. well that's true but I think they pick the 1st of a series or the menu based off the past. Owl mine was probably the best in gameplay but it wasn't as long as I like and I still think Guardian of Space is better. Why I dislike SOL is it just pictures and it's a silhouette which in my opinion is to cover up how messy the real level looks but I guess some people think differently then me but you guys do a pretty decent job of the ratings. I know we all have different opinions of good levels. I would like to ask you guys if you could put a survey for people to pick their favorite level of the episode
2013-06-12 15:06:00
Author:TheAngler2010 ![]() Posts: 185
2013-06-14 12:30:00 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
ZK SOL Review
I think SOL was good but not to be rated the highest. It was gorgeous and had great details but lacked a back bone. Watching it all I see is silhouetted animals, then random places, and then a backbone appears with the romance. Backbones don't come in late, your born with them. But was good, only deserved maybe 7.5/10 ZK OWL MINE Review Was fun had a lot of details, the logic seemed hard, but had many plain screw-ups. So its a mine right, well why in the name in the middle is their a dead donkey? The was too much dullness even for a Mine. Color is key to great eyegasms. Was good though, score 8/10. ZK GAURDIAN OF SPACE INTRO Review The looks were great not too dull, had a lot of backbone from start to end. Not very many messups that are too noticeable. Score 9.5/10 These are my thoughts on the MM Picks. ![]() |
2013-06-14 12:30:00
Author:XZombieKing1999X ![]() Posts: 416
2013-06-15 09:47:00 / Author: spacemonkey187
Thanks for rating my level. Sorry the others didn't rate it so well but, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and i'm cool with that.
I would have to take issue with the statement that Silhouette is just there to cover up how messy the level looks though, That one made me chuckle... |
2013-06-15 09:47:00
Author:spacemonkey187 ![]() Posts: 14
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