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LittleBigPlanet Karting
Karting Levels

My LBPK levels! :D

Archive: 3 posts
2012-07-24 08:18:00 / Author: yugnar
I have made two levels for LBPK so far, their names are:
1-Craftworld's Royal Course
2.-The Hoard (1P Only)

By the way, there is a glitched invisible-ghost level in my levels, so if you want to play them, go to my earth and play the ones that you can see. Thanks!
2012-07-24 08:18:00
Posts: 766

2012-07-25 09:56:00 / Author: Jaeydan
Sure thing yugnar. I'm sure they will be fun!
2012-07-25 09:56:00
Posts: 253

2012-10-03 16:50:00 / Author: TRaciti
Sounds like it would have been fun!
2012-10-03 16:50:00
Posts: 986
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