LittleBigPlanet 3
LBP3 Summary
Archive: 3 posts
2014-11-21 20:04:00 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
The style of the LBP3 story mode (a.k.a. Adventure) is a style to win the hearts of any bibliophile- true story. The entire story is set like a story book and the adventure keeps unraveling with secrets, missions, quests, and more.
The adventure starts with sackthing (keeping it old school) and a eccentric, wiry Newton. Newton, (seen as a antagonist in the trailers we have all watched hundreds of times), explains a myth about three titans that used to plague the land of 'Bunkum'. These three titans apparently were defeated around the time of the Negativitron in LBP2 by three heroes (Odd sock, toggle, and swoop). After defeating the titans the heroes went into hiding. Newton also foretells the awakening of the three Titans by a psychopathic, old hag named Nana Pud. After traveling to Stitchem Manor you discover Newton had other plans. Instead of Nana awakening the Titans, Newton decides to awaken them. His seemingly kind heart is overtaken by the titans energy, changing him into a mind controlled villain. The end of the Prologue (Introduction for the spoiler haters) comes with Nana insulting you and ferrying you off to your first destination in the search of the three heroes. Welcome to Manglewood my dear sackthing. The adventures start here. |
2014-11-21 20:04:00
Author:XZombieKing1999X ![]() Posts: 416
2014-11-22 08:02:00 / Author: jhonsiak
The Adventure is amazing! Thanks!
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2014-11-22 08:02:00
Author:jhonsiak ![]() Posts: 1535
2014-11-22 09:01:00 / Author: nerd_dog
The story mode is really good in my opinion. it is pretty short. But I think they packed in enough epicness to make up for that
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2014-11-22 09:01:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
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