LittleBigPlanet 3
The story is not bad, but the bugs of the game are awful.
Archive: 3 posts
2014-11-29 13:42:00 / Author: Fox
I think that the story of LBP3 is really cool. I like the hub designs, and they put a lot of effort into the levels. The BUGS, though! Several times while playing story, I finished a level to find out that I had somehow glitched, spawned in a random place which the scoreboard was inaccessible from, or I encountered some other glitch/problem with the level itself which hampered my progress. LBP2 and its story was much more polished, but LBP2 WAS glitchy at the start. There, however, is no excuse for how buggy LBP3 was. LBP2 was not half as problematic as LBP3.
2014-11-29 13:42:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2014-11-29 15:09:00 / Author: Sound Friction
Devs these days are just too lazy to test the WHOLE game.
2014-11-29 15:09:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2015-01-02 21:18:00 / Author: dakrrs
I hope they're not too lazy to fix it. LBP3 broke most of my LBP2 levels, some to the point to where they are unplayable.
2015-01-02 21:18:00
Author:dakrrs Posts: 561
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