Other Stuff
Forum Games
Chain of events
Archive: 7 posts
2015-01-25 07:14:00 / Author: Mhx Air
I'd like to introduce a new original game, since generally the basis of forum games have already been covered.
The game is simple, someone does something to you for no reason, what would you do? Ex. A guy punched me in the face. If a guy punched me in the face, I'd push him down some stairs. If someone pushed me down some stairs, I'd throw them off a bridge. You can even list bystander. If I saw someone thrown off a bridge, I'd run to save them. If someone saved me, I'd give them a hug. If someone gave me a hug, I'd throw them in a lake. Continue if someone threw you in a lake. |
2015-01-25 07:14:00
Author:Mhx Air ![]() Posts: 67
2015-01-25 11:56:00 / Author: nerd_dog
If someone threw me in a lake, I'd poke them in the eye!
EDIT: I hope i'm doing the game right ![]() |
2015-01-25 11:56:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-01-25 12:36:00 / Author: Mhx Air
Ugh, if I saw someone get poked in the eye, I might throw up.
If someone poked me in the eye, I'd have to slam their head into the ground. That's pretty bad, you could go blind. |
2015-01-25 12:36:00
Author:Mhx Air ![]() Posts: 67
2015-01-27 16:08:00 / Author: Mhx Air
Too violent? Let's try again. A bear is chasing you. What do you do?
(Next person) (I'd run away from them) (If someone ran away from me and I was chasing them) |
2015-01-27 16:08:00
Author:Mhx Air ![]() Posts: 67
2015-01-27 16:47:00 / Author: 211Nickey
I just want to say that your signature looks pretty ugly right now. You know, with the errors.
I'd throw a apple pie at it! And then we would eat it together. Like friends. And if someone ran away from me, another pie, another dessert together. Works everytime, rebuilds friendships. |
2015-01-27 16:47:00
Author:211Nickey ![]() Posts: 337
2015-01-27 18:32:00 / Author: Mhx Air
My signature works on any other site, but for whatever reason, the admin of this site has URL disabled.
2015-01-27 18:32:00
Author:Mhx Air ![]() Posts: 67
2015-03-03 20:53:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
If somebody gave me dessert to make a friendship bond again, I would ask for no more than one because desserts backwards is stressed. And then I would give him or her a 1 pound bag of medjool dates! Yum! Tastes like caramel.
![]() |
2015-03-03 20:53:00
Author:DiamondDiancie10 ![]() Posts: 516
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