LittleBigPlanet Vita
2 Player Story Prizes
Archive: 5 posts
2012-11-23 15:03:00 / Author: DeKa1357
I need one person for the prizes with 2 Player in Story mode! Who want and when?
2012-11-23 15:03:00
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2012-11-23 19:18:00 / Author: yugnar
I've already 100%ed LBPVita but I guess I can help you with it, should be fun. Just be aware that some terrible lag still affects multiplayer games pretty often. Not sure when, I'll join you whether I see you online
2012-11-23 19:18:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2012-11-24 08:34:00 / Author: DeKa1357
2012-11-24 08:34:00
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2012-11-24 13:42:00 / Author: c34251
I can help you
2012-11-24 13:42:00
Author:c34251 Posts: 39
2014-04-07 13:20:00 / Author: DragonFly2500
I need help too I bought the cross dlc but have no vita ... Can someone be so friendly and would play all the levels from cross dlc with me? :o I would be amazed!
2014-04-07 13:20:00
Author:DragonFly2500 Posts: 63
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