LittleBigPlanet Vita
anybody good at sequencing music?
Archive: 4 posts
2015-04-14 19:12:00 / Author: ckphatman
im working on a game project called "JUMP!", and it needs an original soundtrack. its still in its alpha stage(you can play hbe alpha version 1.5 right now if you check out my earth can anyone bere sequence a song for me?
2015-04-14 19:12:00
Author:ckphatman Posts: 15
2015-04-14 19:14:00 / Author: ckphatman
also, imvery new to lbf.
2015-04-14 19:14:00
Author:ckphatman Posts: 15
2015-04-15 00:54:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi ckphatman,
welcome to our community, nice to meet you! Sometimes I'm rebuilding songs for my friends, its not my favorite pastime, cause its mostly rather time-consuming! If there are any sheets or chords available then its easier to do than if you have to rebuild it by listening only. Currently I'm working on three projects simltaneously, so I have not much time for rebuilding a song by listening, but maybe if I can find some sheets, then I can try to do the song for you! And it shouldn't be electric or synthesizer music, cause I'm not the fan of that styles and so I'm also not experienced in rebuilding such sounds! Best would be, if you post the name of the song and the artist here and then I can prove, whether I can do it for you or not! Many greetings, Jürgen^^ EDIT: to answer your question above: there are lots of artists around who are rather good in sequencing music! Finally its LBForum, the only forum with a LBF Music section! |
2015-04-15 00:54:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2015-04-18 10:37:00 / Author: Tynz21
I can easily enough recreate songs but I'm not a great composer. I haven't had time to be on LBP much though unfortunately.
2015-04-18 10:37:00
Author:Tynz21 Posts: 89
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