LittleBigPlanet Vita
How to take effective pictures.
Archive: 2 posts
2012-11-18 10:51:00 / Author: yugnar
Ok guys, you probabably already know how to take a picture in your VITA level, use to get its source and paste it in your threads. Anyway, for some strange reason, dark ambiented level sometimes have some pretty terrible pics. Here, an example:
In-game picture: This kind of pictures are absolutely useless, and if you change the ambient to something brighter, the level won't look the same. A very easy way of correcting this issue is by taking a screenshot. Press the PS button and the Start button at the same time, and you'll have captured exactly what you see in the screen. This way you can also take pics of notes! To upload them, you can use services like the app Flickr available for free in the PS Store, use the Twitter app of the Vita, or plug your Vita to your computer and export the pictures. Then you can insert it to your thread. Here, the same picture but with this technique: Screenshot picture: Example of capturing note text: Hope it helps! ![]() |
2012-11-18 10:51:00
Author:yugnar ![]() Posts: 766
2013-10-25 22:22:00 / Author: Jujupon
Thanks yug
![]() |
2013-10-25 22:22:00
Author:Jujupon ![]() Posts: 57
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