LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet Vita

NXS: Legends of the Deep (on PSVita)

Archive: 6 posts
2014-02-21 15:20:00 / Author: Nitro-Arts7472
My first level is out now, called NXS: Legends of the Deep ( ON PSVITA) Im sorry if this tread does not hav much detail to the level. the level is an underwater adventure on a quest to find a treasure to help lbp's coastal areas to be cleaned up. Its a very cooperative game, and is fun to play with. If you have a vita go check it out now. PS: How do i make a level link so that people can see it from thi site?
2014-02-21 15:20:00
Posts: 2

2014-02-21 22:46:00 / Author: Biorogue
maybe a little more information would be useful. The very least you should do is add a level link. Here's yours.
One thing to keep in mind is that you are trying to sell your level to the reader. Picture yourself a used car salesman. you want to point out all the bells and whistles of the car right? Same thing with your level. Tell the reader about it. What is it about? What type of gameplay? Add pictures too. Eye candy goes a long way towards getting someone to queue your level.
2014-02-21 22:46:00
Posts: 580

2014-02-22 00:01:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
I agree with Bio. Also, it's queued!
2014-02-22 00:01:00
Posts: 1670

2014-02-22 01:34:00 / Author: FreddyFerrari
Queued it Here is the link
2014-02-22 01:34:00
Posts: 853

2014-02-27 03:36:00 / Author: ???
Those photos look amazing! "Who are you,god?!" -Rtoodee2

Edit : Congratulations on the team pick!
2014-02-27 03:36:00
Posts: 98

2014-02-27 16:22:00 / Author: yugnar
Excellent level. Congrats pal
2014-02-27 16:22:00
Posts: 766
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