LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet Vita

Galactic Space Defense

Archive: 1 posts
2014-05-14 15:52:00 / Author: Mdoodle22
Galactic Space Defense, a two month project made by myself, mdoodle22. When I first started this project I said to myself I really wanted to show people my skill and what I can make at full potential, and soon after I thought of that galactic space defense was planned out in my mind. Now I'm proud to say this project is finally done and published! So what's in it? Well first off there's a touch based menu, there's some nice planets and meteriote's in the background. Then there's 3 difficulties to choose from for a variety of players (veteran mode is locked until you play easy or medium), theres 9 types of enemies, each enemy gets better as the difficulty goes up, there's 3 power ups that randomly spawn, freeze time, slow down time, and refill shields. There are 20 achievements to be earned, meteriote's and black holes spawn in this space based map to keep it entertaining, and there are also about 5 or 6 planets in the background, most of which were made in the 3D background layer. I know you won't be disappointed in this and here's a link if interested and if you aren't convinced I added 5 files to different photos from the galactic space defense:

2014-05-14 15:52:00
Posts: 18
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