LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
platformer gameplay elements
Archive: 10 posts
2012-09-06 10:23:00 / Author: littleBigparty
dose someone knows some cool gameplay elements 4 platformers? when yes would be nice when u could help me a bit
2012-09-06 10:23:00
Author:littleBigparty Posts: 30
2012-09-09 04:41:00 / Author: pate59
My friend coolman100 has a level full of unique obstacles, and he keeps making them too bad he doesn't publish anything. He's really good with everything. I think he could help.
2012-09-09 04:41:00
Author:pate59 Posts: 362
2012-09-09 14:18:00 / Author: TRaciti
coolman100? Really?
2012-09-09 14:18:00
Author:TRaciti Posts: 986
2012-09-11 11:55:00 / Author: Jaeydan
Hmm, I am having troubles with ideas too. I'll send him an invite for help if he is willing to do so.
2012-09-11 11:55:00
Author:Jaeydan Posts: 253
2012-09-11 12:01:00 / Author: TRaciti
2012-09-11 12:01:00
Author:TRaciti Posts: 986
2012-09-12 07:52:00 / Author: littleBigparty
okey thx guys i will look forward 4 this
2012-09-12 07:52:00
Author:littleBigparty Posts: 30
2012-09-12 14:16:00 / Author: TRaciti
Gamepaly is a #1 emeny while I make platformers!
2012-09-12 14:16:00
Author:TRaciti Posts: 986
2012-10-16 20:52:00 / Author: yugnar
First you need to decide a them for your level. Are you using any power-ups? For example, if the answer is yes for the grappling hook, the whole level should be based in it. More advanced cretions are designed step by step, like different levels. Like, rooms 1-5 are going to be grappling-hook obstacled only, and then move on to something different. But same-style obstacles should always be together. An excellent example is Comhpermc's Roller Inc. 2
The principal problem I find in new creators is that they say, oh my, this is my first platformer, I want to make something absolutely epic that's gonna impress everybody and get MM picked (maybe that is a little bit exaggerated). Believe me, its sooooooo much better to take a "simple idea", a concept, and develop a "simple" level around it. Don't try to impress anybody, and you will. For example, it took me 2 years to finish a level becuase I focused in making ridiculously complex stuff. Then I said, ehmmm. Enough. Grabbed the Autumn pack and made a room with all of its fancy stickers. Then grabbed an idea I thought it was cool and somewhat complex, and made a whole level from it. And BLAST 500 plays, excellent reviews, multiple picks and lots of hearts. I'm not saying by any means not to put some (a looot actually) of effort into it, you just grab an idea, stick with it, and gameplay will flowwwww... Its not really hard. An important thing! Write everything down before creating. Get yourself a notebook or something and write ideas and ideas and more ideas. DESTROY (mwahahahaha) ideas that are not fun to play, not very well designed or realistic, and stick to what you think is good. And, there you go, an excellent level. Ta-da! Warning:Everything said in this post is easily said, but hard to do. Anyway, with some time and an extra dosis of perseverance, you'll bring up some awesomeness. |
2012-10-16 20:52:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2012-11-05 07:57:00 / Author: littleBigparty
thx buddy vor this good advice
2012-11-05 07:57:00
Author:littleBigparty Posts: 30
2013-01-28 01:01:00 / Author: Littlebigbrick
You need power-ups, platform jumping, grappling sections, fire or electricity hazards, moving platforms and maybe a race. That's what I include in my levels.
2013-01-28 01:01:00
Author:Littlebigbrick Posts: 235
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