LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Little Big Forum (raw sticker panel logo)
Archive: 1 posts
2013-10-03 17:35:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
Hey you guy's I'm in the process of making a new level. If you know me, or played my levels you know I LOVE special effects & I just think putting the plain old Little Big Forum sticker would look rather dull for the theme of this level. So... Does anyone has a Little Big Forums logo in the form of an object (The one used for the LBFPicks intro) that could gift me? You know so i can do patterns of illumination. Or maybe you could give it away on a level? Anywho, good day/night!
2013-10-03 17:35:00
Author:GooeyGhost ![]() Posts: 401
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