LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Follower bug
Archive: 2 posts
2014-04-05 00:48:00 / Author: Dertyde94
Hello everyone
![]() In our (kip_paard_koe123 and me) Hide'n Seek, there is a stupid (online game only) bug with the arrow. It follows the players... But it's quite far. Here is a picture of the settings of the followers (I put many... Still not enough) So if anyone has the solution, or if it knows it's impossible, it would be great if you share it to me ![]() |
2014-04-05 00:48:00
Author:Dertyde94 ![]() Posts: 181
2014-04-05 08:29:00 / Author: jhonsiak
If you don't know how to do it no one really knows... good luck
![]() |
2014-04-05 08:29:00
Author:jhonsiak ![]() Posts: 1535
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