LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
My Name
Archive: 3 posts
2014-05-01 21:59:00 / Author: R-V-2-0-1-3
Help my name is to difficult to type out on my tab. Can I, or how can I change my displayed name?
2014-05-01 21:59:00
Author:R-V-2-0-1-3 Posts: 95
2014-05-01 22:06:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
If you are talking about your PSN name I don't think you can change your name... sorry! But if you're talking about your LBF username you might be able to convince an admin to change it for you!
2014-05-01 22:06:00
Author:dolphins-R-lame Posts: 869
2014-05-02 13:23:00 / Author: R-V-2-0-1-3
Ok. Thanks for you help. I told you Dolphins-R'not-Lame
2014-05-02 13:23:00
Author:R-V-2-0-1-3 Posts: 95
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