LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
(LBFBC) Help and questions
Archive: 6 posts
2014-07-11 17:58:00 / Author: sayer6913
Sorry to create a hole entire thread, just for these three questions, but i been asking and asking but have not got a answer. So is it okay if i use my own Little Big Forum logo for the LBFBC on vita? Also is it okay if i update my level, and/or make changes? Just as long as the changes arn't simmiler to the other contest entrys? Because i was wanting to add music and add a few changes here and there. Also dose the theme got to be a birthday card? Because this isnt a birthday card D:
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2014-07-11 17:58:00
Author:sayer6913 ![]() Posts: 181
2014-07-11 18:05:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
i'm not a judge so i'm not completely sure, But the theme was "Happy Birthday" not "Happy Birthday card" and in the rules it never said it had to be a card... so i'm guessing you'll be fine.
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2014-07-11 18:05:00
Author:JellyBellyScout ![]() Posts: 467
2014-07-11 19:24:00 / Author: sayer6913
k thanks for the help
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2014-07-11 19:24:00
Author:sayer6913 ![]() Posts: 181
2014-07-11 19:49:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
Ok, i skimmed through the question and managed to miss most of it
![]() Question 1: ?So is it okay if i use my own Little Big Forum logo for the LBFBC on vita?? (Quote from Rules) "You have to put the LittleBigForum icon in your birthday card. You can get it in our latest spotlight hubs." (You are allowed to make some little changes in the logo.) Post by: FreddyFerrari I'm guessing that this means no... but heres the links to the logo that i know for sure can be used. VITA: PS3: Question 2: "Also is it okay if i update my level, and/or make changes? Just as long as the changes arn't simmiler to the other contest entrys?" (Quote from part of a post by RainbowT-rex) "EVERYONE! Remember you have until the deadline to edit your level. There's a few entries that could use improvements." So... Yes Oh, but again i'm not a judge so i may be wrong... ![]() |
2014-07-11 19:49:00
Author:JellyBellyScout ![]() Posts: 467
2014-07-11 23:40:00 / Author: sayer6913
k ill send a pm to admins and ask them if i can add the logo i made
2014-07-11 23:40:00
Author:sayer6913 ![]() Posts: 181
2014-07-12 01:02:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Hmmm, I think it is okay to use your own logo based on ours, since it's like you have made a few modifications on it. Yes, you can update your level as many times as you want as long as it is before the deadline. No, no, seems like you didn't understand it well, yes the theme is ''Happy Birthday'' but you have to make a birthday card with no gameplay and a fixed camera showing the birthday card. If you got any questions guys, do not hesitate to contact the admins, moderators or staff by private messages. Hope I helped here ![]() |
2014-07-12 01:02:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 ![]() Posts: 1670
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