LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Fixing a Signal
Archive: 4 posts
2015-01-22 15:01:00 / Author: Bonnell7
So, I have this problem.
I really need it solved because otherwise... a lot of work will go down the drain. I've been making a lot of analogue math chips. However, I've discovered a component in many of the chips that keeps them from being zero latency... the division chip! I don't want anyone to be confused here, so I'm trying to say it as simply as possible... I need a simple way of keeping a signal strength greater than 10%, but less than 100%. Essentially: .1 < x < 1 The goal I have in mind is if a signal surpasses 100%, it'd be reduced a couple decimals. And if the signal is smaller than 10%, it'd be increased a couple decimals. Both situations in hopes of making the above expression true. Heres a few examples: If you have a signal of 300%, it'd be reduced to 30%. If you have a signal of 4,723%, it'd be reduced to 47.23% If you have a signal of .0037%, it'd be increased to 37% I already have a set of batteries built to shift decimals (.1, .01, .001, 10, 100, 1,000, etc.). So what I need is a way of identifying if, and how much a signal is past the set limits ( .1 < x < 1 ), and how much I should reduce/increase it. I want zero latency, so no sequencers. Also, if the suggestion could be hardly thermo intensive, that'd be fantastic. |
2015-01-22 15:01:00
Author:Bonnell7 ![]() Posts: 14
2015-01-23 09:35:00 / Author: nerd_dog
oh wow. you on PS4? I know the perfect person to help you with this. he's the best I know and he's always getting better. he even can do most thing 0 latency. Try asking my buddy LOOKaUsername on his LBP profile. he'll probably be able to whip up the logic for what you want in under a minute
![]() |
2015-01-23 09:35:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-01-23 10:13:00 / Author: Bonnell7
I'm sure he's good.
But just for clarification... I've already made the process work, but... It requires a row of logic for each decimal sensor, and increaser/decrease. And so it takes up a whole notch in the thermo! My hope is for some kind of singular system that works via a feedback loop. I just don't quite understand how to do it, though... And I'm on PS3 LBP2. But LBP3 has about the same logic, so its no big deal. |
2015-01-23 10:13:00
Author:Bonnell7 ![]() Posts: 14
2015-01-24 23:30:00 / Author: nerd_dog
he may be able to do it much more simplified. he also enjoys working on stuff like this. go ahead and ask him on his profile.
he's not just good, he's probably the best |
2015-01-24 23:30:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
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