LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Any voice actors?
Archive: 5 posts
2015-06-07 07:14:00 / Author: TheSangheiliGeek
Hello, sackfolk!
I am in need of voice actors. I don't own a mic myself, but even if I did, I wouldn't have the required voice. So, the two main characters that I'm concerned about right now are: Superman Batman These two are permanent roles that would reappear throughout my series. Also, just to clarify, I want more specific voices for them. If you want the gist of what I want them to sound like, watch a Hishe Superhero Cafè video. They don't need to sound EXACTLY like them, though. ![]() I'll update this list with any other characters that I need voice actors for. Thanks in advance! |
2015-06-07 07:14:00
Author:TheSangheiliGeek ![]() Posts: 181
2015-06-07 13:03:00 / Author: BLAHBLAH1000
I'd be willing to donate my voice.
![]() |
2015-06-07 13:03:00
Author:BLAHBLAH1000 ![]() Posts: 20
2015-06-07 23:19:00 / Author: TheSangheiliGeek
That would be awesome! I'll keep you in mind for any roles that I think of.
Anyone else? |
2015-06-07 23:19:00
Author:TheSangheiliGeek ![]() Posts: 181
2015-06-09 21:09:00 / Author: TheSangheiliGeek
Anyone else?
I would rather not resort to speech bubbles. That would take out a certain appeal, I think. BlahBlah1000's generous offer was great, but he can't (and probably wouldn't want to) play everyone, as evidenced by his post. Come on sackfolk, who doesn't want to play Batman? ![]() |
2015-06-09 21:09:00
Author:TheSangheiliGeek ![]() Posts: 181
2015-06-10 23:10:00 / Author: TheSangheiliGeek
Sorry about the triple post, but I'm still in dire need of voice actors for (Hishe version) Superman and Batman!
2015-06-10 23:10:00
Author:TheSangheiliGeek ![]() Posts: 181
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