LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Community Contests
Moons In Motion Event #1: Secret Santa
Archive: 3 posts
2014-10-08 13:53:00 / Author: AvinchMC
I think I made that too big... #professional Hello! Welcome to the first of (hopefully) many what we like to call "Moons In Motion Events"! What is Moons In Motion? Moons In Motion are the longest running LBP Creation team who are right at home on LittleBigNetwork. (Even though you may not see us a lot of the time). We originated on the long lost forum of LittleBigLand (R.I.P) and focus on creating levels and level packs similar to the DLC kits for the community to enjoy. What's a Moons In Motion Event then? Moons In Motion Events are kinda like competitions except there are no winners, because we love you all. The goal of a Moons In Motion Event is to get people creating within the community wither it be alone or with a group of friends but most importantly have fun. So, what's this event then? The Idea behind the Secret Santa event originated on LittleBigLand (R.I.P, again.). The goal is to get a bunch of people to sign up with the form below and then on November 1st we will DM you someone else's username who also signed up. You then have until Christmas day to build them a level/object that you will publish and send them an link to. (We'll tell you how to get hold of them, don't worry.) Where do I sign up? Right here! --> ![]() Want to learn more about Moons In Motion? Follow us on Twitter @LBN_MIM or visit our website: |
2014-10-08 13:53:00
Author:AvinchMC ![]() Posts: 1
2014-10-08 15:18:00 / Author: yugnar
WOWOWOWOWOW this is an amazing idea! Huh I'm hesitating in joining because of school and such and I'm not really sure if I'll have the time to build the gift
![]() ![]() |
2014-10-08 15:18:00
Author:yugnar ![]() Posts: 766
2014-10-08 16:45:00 / Author: Biorogue
great idea! I remember this from LBL.
2014-10-08 16:45:00
Author:Biorogue ![]() Posts: 580
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