LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Community Contests
Trick Or Treaters Beware
Archive: 2 posts
2014-09-30 09:16:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
It is wonderful to create unique costumes, but sometimes I really just want to see what everyone else can do! Bring me your scariest, most original costumes and upload pix in this level! Prizes are to be determined when the winners are chosen - basically I for 2nd and 3rd it will be custom made music while the main winner shall receive much more. The contest ends November 2nd! So put your scary faces on and scare the hell out of us! RULE 1 You can only enter 1 costume and can have other people help you but remember there is only one prize. If someone does help you whoever posts the costumes picture and if they win will get the prize. RULE 2 Stay within the theme. I do not want to see a Barbie or something that is outside of theme because that would be ruining the point of the theme Halloween. RULE 3: Be original, don't just use a costume giveaway level. DEADLINE The dead line will be the 2nd of November |
2014-09-30 09:16:00
Author:Tomsnodgrass ![]() Posts: 63
2014-10-31 06:10:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
Only two days, left and some very good costumes so far!
2014-10-31 06:10:00
Author:Tomsnodgrass ![]() Posts: 63
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