LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Invader Zim - 2D of Doom
Archive: 5 posts
2012-07-15 21:42:00 / Author: Biorogue
I forgot how I found this level and don't know why I even played it, as I don't really like the Invader Zim cartoon. I'm glad I did though. This looked absolutely stunning. Some of the best animation and cartoon visuals that I've seen in LBP. Check it out. The badge is the link. The Pics |
2012-07-15 21:42:00
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
2012-07-15 23:27:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
WOW , I will sure check it out soon , it looks absolutely magnificent Queued !
2012-07-15 23:27:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-07-15 23:46:00 / Author: DeKa1357
It looks really nice!
2012-07-15 23:46:00
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2012-07-16 13:23:00 / Author: Maxatrillian526
Queued! I'll be sure to play this next time I'm on my ps3
2012-07-16 13:23:00
Author:Maxatrillian526 Posts: 75
2012-07-20 11:36:00 / Author: Jaeydan
That does not even look like LBP! I have added it to my queue to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation!
2012-07-20 11:36:00
Author:Jaeydan Posts: 253
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