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LBP2 Stuff
Whos developing this game?
Archive: 13 posts
2014-05-26 15:37:00 / Author: wally-217
Has there been any official word of the developer? As far as I'm aware, Mm is no longer affiliated with LBP, and Tarsier Studios has stated they're not the ones making it so I assume it's a Sony first party. I need a company to harass to find out more about the HUB! The lack of news is killing me.
2014-05-26 15:37:00
Author:wally-217 ![]() Posts: 24
2014-05-26 20:46:00 / Author: yugnar
I believe Sumo Digital was making this one? Dunno really. I hope we hear something at E3, otherwise I'll just assume it was cancelled
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2014-05-26 20:46:00
Author:yugnar ![]() Posts: 766
2014-05-26 22:35:00 / Author: DeKa1357
Let's wait till E3!
2014-05-26 22:35:00
Author:DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 1806
2014-05-27 05:24:00 / Author: Biorogue
I'm just wondering if this hasn't been scraped altogether. It was supposed to have come out the end of last year and here it is now 6 months past schedule. I wonder what's up.
2014-05-27 05:24:00
Author:Biorogue ![]() Posts: 580
2014-05-27 15:00:00 / Author: wally-217
That would have been my guess. It's definitely not cancelled because I've seen (closed) beta test images so it must be nearing completion. |
2014-05-27 15:00:00
Author:wally-217 ![]() Posts: 24
2014-11-25 08:09:00 / Author: ZombieKitty
To my thought about not seeing new adds about the hub, I'm guessing they gave up?
2014-11-25 08:09:00
Author:ZombieKitty ![]() Posts: 182
2014-11-25 17:38:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
sumo digital and sony
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2014-11-25 17:38:00
Author:WARMAN7785 ![]() Posts: 133
2015-01-01 09:02:00 / Author: Sonicthefellow7
According to this article: LBP Hub is actually a first party-Sony developed game. Probably MM? Its also a free-to-play PS3 game that has levels from LBP1, and 2(some) included. You can buy new costumes, accesories, ect. so it really is nothing new, its probably just to spike interest in LBP or soemthing like that. ![]() Edit: Was it delayed to include LBP3 levels and tools as well? |
2015-01-01 09:02:00
Author:Sonicthefellow7 ![]() Posts: 16
2015-01-01 09:09:00 / Author: Sonicthefellow7
Yeah, actually Im guessing Media Molecule is developing this one.
Because they just took a small break from LBP so to speak. Some Playstation developers have done this before. They probably gave Sumo Digital the reins for LBP3 since they are busy working on Tearaway:Unfolded for the PS4 and probably some other mysterious project. Naughty Dog did this when they were developing the last Jak and Daxter game for the PSP: Jak and Daxter the lost frontier or something like that. They were busy on another project, so they handed this project to another developer. It doesnt mean MM is no longer making LBP games, it just means theyre busy at the moment working on something else. ![]() Edit: I womder if levels and stuff purchased in Hub will be available to be used in LBP3 and future LBP games? |
2015-01-01 09:09:00
Author:Sonicthefellow7 ![]() Posts: 16
2015-01-08 10:03:00 / Author: 211Nickey
This game seems to be you know, not being made currently. No news in a bunch of months.
2015-01-08 10:03:00
Author:211Nickey ![]() Posts: 337
2015-01-17 12:58:00 / Author: nerd_dog
the weird thing is, they haven't said anything about it being cancelled ( as far as I know ), and it's normal for game developers to announce things like that.
2015-01-17 12:58:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-01-19 09:51:00 / Author: 211Nickey
LittleBigPlanet Forever
(A reference to a well known Duke) |
2015-01-19 09:51:00
Author:211Nickey ![]() Posts: 337
2015-01-28 00:34:00 / Author: dragonicfire
According to rumors circulating around on the net (ie: Wikipedia), it's suppose to release sometime this year but it's not official yet.
2015-01-28 00:34:00
Author:dragonicfire ![]() Posts: 85
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