LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2


Archive: 4 posts
2012-08-10 21:28:00 / Author: Lil_Morta_7
Hey guys, just sharing this EPIC level made by my buddy RottenRob.. He spent far too much time on it for it to be discarded like this.. He made an original level, it got over 6K plays, and now he made a return with an arcade, (survival) version of the original, and although it's better in many respects, it has no attention. It's a top-down shooter, very creative and VERY fun. Easily worthy of an MM pick. Here are some links. Please spread the word about this epic level!

First "Rescued":

Arcade, (Survival):

Thanks a million guys!
2012-08-10 21:28:00
Posts: 26

2012-08-10 23:07:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Sounds great! I definitely queued Also thanks for the recommendation, Morta And if it's great, we will pick it in our next episode!
2012-08-10 23:07:00
Posts: 1670

2012-08-11 09:22:00 / Author: Lil_Morta_7
YES! You really should! It's legit, despite its play count. He's been hard at work on it for months now, and he being a genius, I guess it just shows how great the final result is. e_e
2012-08-11 09:22:00
Posts: 26

2012-08-11 13:13:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Sure Morta! But I will play it next week, I'm currently on holidays
2012-08-11 13:13:00
Posts: 1670
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