LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Trial of the Faceless
Archive: 5 posts
2012-08-27 07:25:00 / Author: Jaeydan
My friend Tynz worked on this level for 7 months and it barely got any plays. It deserves an MM pick so I suggest you all play it for the sake of having a good . Trial of the Faceless Trial of the Faceless Tutorial Trial of the Faceless menu and credits I hope you all enjoy!
2012-08-27 07:25:00
Author:Jaeydan Posts: 253
2012-08-27 07:55:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
I will check it out soon!
2012-08-27 07:55:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-09-15 08:47:00 / Author: TRaciti
2012-09-15 08:47:00
Author:TRaciti Posts: 986
2012-09-15 09:35:00 / Author: pate59
Played it many times already and saw him creating it, very fun and great level.
2012-09-15 09:35:00
Author:pate59 Posts: 362
2012-09-15 10:04:00 / Author: TRaciti
It looks great!
2012-09-15 10:04:00
Author:TRaciti Posts: 986
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