LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Sunset Isles by the amazing creator PyroTrooper91
Archive: 24 posts
2012-12-04 06:26:00 / Author: jhonsiak
The link: and queue
A platformer with a nice view and some easy obstacles. l think this desrve a Mm Pick Try it and write down if you like it or l if you want the creator to make some changes PyroTrooper production by jhonsiak Bye Bye |
2012-12-04 06:26:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 06:40:00 / Author: Deleted User
I absolutely agree, It deserves .
I think the best part of it is the "nice view" and I'd replace the word "nice" with "beautiful". |
2012-12-04 06:40:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-04 06:46:00 / Author: jhonsiak
ok but now l can't edit only DeKa1357
2012-12-04 06:46:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 06:47:00 / Author: Deleted User
And moderators, I think.
2012-12-04 06:47:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-04 06:49:00 / Author: jhonsiak
2012-12-04 06:49:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 07:13:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Thanks for the great comments guys I really appreciate your opinion.
But I don't think it will get a pick anyways. |
2012-12-04 07:13:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-12-04 07:18:00 / Author: DeKa1357
I hope you'll get a
2012-12-04 07:18:00
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2012-12-04 07:20:00 / Author: jhonsiak
me too
2012-12-04 07:20:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 07:21:00 / Author: Deleted User
We all hope it'll get picked. But StevenI is sometimes unpredictable in choosing his next pick.
2012-12-04 07:21:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-04 07:23:00 / Author: jhonsiak
2012-12-04 07:23:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 10:58:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
We will find out the new MM picks soon Can't wait for them though. By the way, he hasn't played it yet.
2012-12-04 10:58:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-12-04 11:06:00 / Author: jhonsiak
Ok tell him to play it
2012-12-04 11:06:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 11:07:00 / Author: Deleted User
I think he will ignore us, but we can always try.
2012-12-04 11:07:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-04 11:08:00 / Author: jhonsiak
2012-12-04 11:08:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-04 11:25:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
I've already tweeted him via twitter with the link. Whenever I tweet him to tell him that I publish a new level, he doesn't ignore me. He usually plays and yays after some days. In fact, he has yayed 2 of my levels 'Waterfall Ruins' and 'Spooky-Halloween Mansion'. I'm sure he has queued it but he has obviously been busy lately. By the way, just to let you know Sunset Isles made it into the monthly Planetarium COTC list (November 2012) and the community vote their favorite level for the month Here's the link: November 2012 COTC Be sure to vote it if you really enjoyed my level. I'd greatly appreciate it Thanks for the support once again guys!
2012-12-04 11:25:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-12-05 00:51:00 / Author: jhonsiak
l'll vote you
2012-12-05 00:51:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-05 05:41:00 / Author: Deleted User
So do I.
2012-12-05 05:41:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-05 06:50:00 / Author: jhonsiak
You can win PyroTrooper91
2012-12-05 06:50:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-07 07:09:00 / Author: jhonsiak
l will make a lot of accounts on LBPlanetarium and l will vote you so you wil win
2012-12-07 07:09:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-07 07:18:00 / Author: jhonsiak
Sorry for double post but l made 3 new accounts and l'll vote you have 6 votes
2012-12-07 07:18:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-07 07:28:00 / Author: jhonsiak
5 new accounts so 11 you are winning..another person has 10 votes
2012-12-07 07:28:00
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2012-12-07 09:11:00 / Author: Deleted User
No, jhonsiak. That's cheating. One vote for a person is fair.
2012-12-07 09:11:00
Author:Deleted User Posts: 819
2012-12-07 09:42:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
I agree with smigol. That's cheating, delete the votes. I want to get them on my own By the way, the results have already been announced.
2012-12-07 09:42:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2012-12-08 08:05:00 / Author: yugnar
Ohhh, I have this level queued for a long time, but I can't play it because my internet connection is broken Really looking forward to it bud!
2012-12-08 08:05:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
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