LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Ixion (1-4 Player Survival Polarity Shooter) By Enigma_0123(Team picked!)
Archive: 4 posts
2014-01-11 03:24:00 / Author: ???
Ixion (1-4 Player Survival Polarity Shooter) By Enigma_0123
Check it out if you have time! Its fantastic and mind-blowing Ixion is a polarity shooter style survival challenge for 1 to 4 players. Additional players are free to join and drop at any time. Play time varies and may exceed an hour, but the leader may end the game at any time. Ixion features dozens of stages and multiple play modes. Difficulty: 7-9/10. Single player or local multiplayer recommended for best performance. Reviews: Krangballs said Awesome unique gameplay and really cool design! Insane multiplayer fun! Montana_9268 said I got fooled by stage 3 Oh well better start working on stages 3 and 4, it will surely become MM picked and therefore popular. It is the best challenge I've played on LBP2, it will challenge your mind like no other. (Best with 1 player) Nicksfarm97 said Definitely Fun. I just kind of wish you could somehow use the new "Memorizer" tool to allow progress to be saved. Just a thought. If you aren't able too, I understand. It's still a very fun game either way! AVundCV said Brilliant game! As simple as it is, as fantastic is it!!! Great gameplay idea! Excellent level! |
2014-01-11 03:24:00
Author:??? Posts: 98
2014-01-11 09:18:00 / Author: Biorogue
cool, adding to the queue
2014-01-11 09:18:00
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
2014-01-12 06:10:00 / Author: avundcv
Man, this is a fantastic level. The gameplay idea is simple but awesome!
This s really an excellent level! Great job! |
2014-01-12 06:10:00
Author:avundcv Posts: 87
2014-01-15 23:26:00 / Author: ???
Major Update : The level now has the memorizer in it. You can now save your progress!
2014-01-15 23:26:00
Author:??? Posts: 98
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