LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
LBP Nostalgia : The Gardens
Archive: 2 posts
2014-01-10 08:04:00 / Author: Engine_Machiner
LBP Nostalgia : The Gardens LBP Nostalgia is about LBP1 Story (Loved) and this is about the Gardens and all the stuff with it, Find the King and take a look around. "After a long LONG time. Sackboy decide to come back to visit all the Creator Curators. Beginning in The Gardens, he goes through the magical pipe of Da Vinci." This is my first publishing here and the making of this level was really hard. (Because the lost profile data of LBP1) I made it with community prizes that had materials, stickers and everything else. I hope you enjoy my level. ![]() |
2014-01-10 08:04:00
Author:Engine_Machiner ![]() Posts: 3
2014-01-11 02:51:00 / Author: DeKa1357
Looks nice! Queued!
![]() |
2014-01-11 02:51:00
Author:DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 1806
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