LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Melienz vs Pascisches [1 player only]
Archive: 6 posts
2014-06-12 13:46:00 / Author: five-ate-five
A brand new awesome(not really) level made by me!
Awesomesauce link: Bla bla's: Pascishes are attacking Melienz due to misunderstanding their peace letter. Solve this problem and save the day. / Music by @idgowans light help by @x-its-anth-x a PICTURE, PICTURES ARE COOL! By the way, who is this noob? ( ) |
2014-06-12 13:46:00
Author:five-ate-five Posts: 69
2014-06-12 13:47:00 / Author: AIRON_MEGA_X
2014-06-12 13:47:00
Author:AIRON_MEGA_X Posts: 35
2014-06-12 21:45:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
Super awesome level! Beautiful and creative as always. Good Job!
2014-06-12 21:45:00
Author:GooeyGhost Posts: 401
2014-06-13 00:04:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
Oh baby! Can't wait to play this Queued!
2014-06-13 00:04:00
Author:dolphins-R-lame Posts: 869
2014-06-13 02:59:00 / Author: Sandro8708
From all your lvl this blasted out my mind. Fantastic gameplay with a new kimd of charming design you womt find in another lvl. The use of wormholes has nvr been so great. Good to see something from time to time. I mostly love to see always your new characters and that you always make a lil story with a end. Yes you read that right it has a end!!!! Top I hop it got the attention ot deserves and you that something like this again
By the way this lil fart is our admin |
2014-06-13 02:59:00
Author:Sandro8708 Posts: 705
2014-06-14 19:02:00 / Author: Biorogue
looks cool, queued.
2014-06-14 19:02:00
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
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