LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3
Community Contests

Traffic Panic 2: Road Rage! Music Competition!

Archive: 2 posts
2015-06-02 10:32:00 / Author: Bobinti

So as you may or may not know, I'm currently creating the sequel to the major hit LittleBigPlanet 2 level, Traffic Panic!.

If you've ever played Traffic Panic!, you may notice that there was a small music selection of Int Music tracks that players could cycle through. Welp, if you'd like the chance for your music to be featured on Traffic Panic 2: Road Rage!, then this competition is for you!

Simply create your music piece, publish a level showcasing it (giving it away is optional), then post the LBP.ME link as a reply to this thread! Simples!

The competition does not have a specific deadline as of yet, however I would like to compile the music ASAP!

Also: I may release a soundtrack of Traffic Panic 2: Road Rage! for the MusicPlayer after it has been published, which will also feature the winning music tracks!
2015-06-02 10:32:00
Posts: 15

2015-06-02 11:32:00 / Author: Woutery
Ooh. I'll definitely try to make some music.
2015-06-02 11:32:00
Posts: 211
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