LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Souls Costumes Galore
Archive: 1 posts
2015-02-05 07:47:00 / Author: argetlam350
Being the big Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2 fan I am, I've made quite a lot of costumes for each game out of all the DLC and stuff we have been given in each game. So I figured if there are any Souls fans here they might be interested in checking these costumes out through my costume levels:
Demon's Souls Costumes: Dark Souls Costumes: Dark Souls Costumes Part 2: Dark Souls 2 Costumes: So gather your courage and brave the realms of Boletaria, Lordran, and Drangleic. Accept your fate become the Destroy of Demons, the Chosen Undead, and the Bearer of the Curse so you can be prepared for the Nightly Hunt. |
2015-02-05 07:47:00
Author:argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 14
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