LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects

.:Woodland Nights:. {Platformer}

Archive: 3 posts
2015-05-25 10:41:00 / Author: BoojiBoyTravis
Here's my newest project! It's my first platformer, so feedback would be appreciated!
Me and Aye are working on this, and it is currently in the early stages of development.

Difficulty: HARD
Level Type: Platformer
Gameplay: Usage of Bounce Pads, Layer Launchers, and climbable materials
Who will you play as? Sackboy

Here is just a sneak peak of it! Once near completion, more photos will be uploaded!
2015-05-25 10:41:00
Posts: 103

2015-08-08 20:59:56 / Author: Enzo the Cat
Looks really cool. I don't know if it's to late, but I was wondering if you wanted custom music. If you don't, I understand. If yes, let me know the genre and I will have it ready for you. If it's already published, let me know and I'll play it. I wish you luck on your level.
2015-08-08 20:59:56
Enzo the Cat
Posts: 40

2015-08-08 22:28:56 / Author: Biorogue
have you finished this yet?
2015-08-08 22:28:56
Posts: 580
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