LittleBigPlanet 3
Jewel Crush [Minigame]
Archive: 1 posts
2014-12-09 10:58:00 / Author: DragonFly2500 Oooh yeah it's Minigame-Time dear LBF'lers! I'm back with my newest creation (and actually my first in LBP3 ![]() This level was a project i'm working on it for years but in LBP2 the emitters makes me problems but now in LBP3 it works fantastic! The gameplay is a well-known game-concept (Like in Candy Crush) but I never ever saw a level in LBP like mine. Hope you guys will like it and tell me what you think about it! See you! Dragon ~{}~ |
2014-12-09 10:58:00
Author:DragonFly2500 ![]() Posts: 63
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