LittleBigPlanet 3
Wonders of Craftworld: Episode 2
Archive: 5 posts
2015-04-06 00:49:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
I made another gallery of underrated levels! Play them, it will make me and the creators happy! Today's picks are: (No particular order) Abandoned Factory of Better Tommorow by Galuszewski7! Shake, Shake, Shake! (Platformer) 1950's by Sayer6913! Planetary Fracture by Dakkrs! A Ballon in the Mountains by VeryCoolMe! ~*Beautiful Forest* ~ (Platformer) (JPN) LBP3 LEVEL by CodemanPSX! Congratulations everyone! |
2015-04-06 00:49:00
Author:Pan_Ziemniak Posts: 333
2015-04-06 03:55:00 / Author: CTP12PL
Good picks Mate , Happy Easter! BTW
2015-04-06 03:55:00
Author:CTP12PL Posts: 17
2015-04-09 18:59:00 / Author: VeryCoolMe
*whistles* oh nice picks. Especially that A Balloon in the Mountains one.
2015-04-09 18:59:00
Author:VeryCoolMe Posts: 30
2015-04-11 13:01:00 / Author: dakrrs
May I add to your list? Digger by The-RraptOrr's Return by bOOtje13 Mill by CB7thSUN |
2015-04-11 13:01:00
Author:dakrrs Posts: 561
2015-04-14 20:06:00 / Author: ramkibainu
the link appears broken
2015-04-14 20:06:00
Author:ramkibainu Posts: 145
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