LittleBigPlanet 3
MusicPlayer - An Advanced, Cartridge-Based Music Player
Archive: 7 posts
2015-01-03 08:22:00 / Author: Bobinti
MusicPlayer - An advanced, cartridge-based music player What is MusicPlayer? The MusicPlayer does exactly what it says on the tin. In this promotional image below, you can see the easy-to-use controls: Volume, Mute, Eject Playlist, Track Info, Previous, Next and Shuffle. The MusicPlayer doesn't have any built-in Music, but instead reads user-made 'Playlists' (stored on Cartridges), which can contain up to 100 songs. Playlists are super-easy to create, and a super-short tutorial of how to make one is in the 'Trailer' for the level on and the PlayStation 4 version of LittleBigPlanet 3. Playlists are given away as sharable, which means that the Community are free and open to sharing their custom-made Playlists in order to expand the Library of MusicPlayer content. The lilac-coloured octagonal shape on the console is the 'Playlist Slot', where Playlists automatically snap to when placed in the same level as the MusicPlayer. Pre-Built Playlists that are given away in the giveaway level include: 'LittleBigPlanet 1: The Complete Soundtrack', 'LittleBigPlanet 2: The Complete Soundtrack', 'LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack - The Soundtrack', and soon the other DLC soundtracks and LittleBigPlanet 3 soundtracks will be available too. In the 'Trailer' attached to the giveaway level on, it briefly demonstrates how to use the controls on the MusicPlayer's interface. Simply hover your Popit Cursor over the desired control for a second, and it will activate - allowing for easy control over the system in both Create Mode and Play Mode. For the Next, Previous and Volume controls, simply keep your Cursor over the controls and the action will repeat faster. Full list of features - User-Created Content is officially encouraged for sharing! - Super-easy to create your own custom-made Playlists, which can store up to 100 songs of your choice (including custom-made Music Sequencer music) - Easy-to-use User Interface - simply hover your Popit Cursor over the desired controls! - Next, Previous, Shuffle Track Options for easy Playlist control - Volume Slider to easily control the volume of the Music that is playing - 'Track Info' option - Displays the name of the inserted Playlist, then the song that is currently playing - Interactive Livestream-Controlled Playlists for that extra bit of fun during Livestreams Created by ( and Licensed by T-Games. |
2015-01-03 08:22:00
Author:Bobinti ![]() Posts: 15
2015-01-03 10:56:00 / Author: Fox
That is AWESOME. It'll be really useful in some levels. Imagine making those music giveaway levels with this. Pretty useful. (Picture or Changing Rooms will probably begin using these, too-yuck) I'm guessing that there'll be a lot of lag with all of that logic.
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2015-01-03 10:56:00
Author:Fox ![]() Posts: 211
2015-01-03 11:34:00 / Author: Bobinti
Thanks for the positive response!
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2015-01-03 11:34:00
Author:Bobinti ![]() Posts: 15
2015-01-03 14:14:00 / Author: Sound Friction
Omg, this is brilliant. QEUED!
2015-01-03 14:14:00
Author:Sound Friction ![]() Posts: 437
2015-01-07 20:47:00 / Author: Rallen
I've been waiting for something like this for years...
THANK YOU ![]() |
2015-01-07 20:47:00
Author:Rallen ![]() Posts: 11
2015-05-02 11:44:00 / Author: Bobinti
Adventure Time and Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtracks are now available to collect
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2015-05-02 11:44:00
Author:Bobinti ![]() Posts: 15
2015-05-02 22:15:00 / Author: sana_88
This sounds awesome! I reckon this could be next-generation for music giveaways! (Unless 'someone' creates something better... shh.. keep this ingenious marvel secret...)
2015-05-02 22:15:00
Author:sana_88 ![]() Posts: 347
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