LittleBigPlanet 3
Archive: 2 posts
2015-05-15 01:36:00 / Author: samuasp
not been on here for a while, but im back ofter sitting my university exams and have a treat for you guys, there are a few things that still need adding to the level but its going really well so far and is now avalible for you to play. The level is called Hypertension and takes place in deap space. How long can you survive the endless waves of enemy ships as they attack in this shooter. use your ion cannon to blast them out of the sky or use your ships onboard ordinance to take the fight to the next level, deploy your shield to stop their advance, blast them with your overcharge beam and send them back to oblivion, if the fight gets to much then you can always resort to the power of the atom by releasing a nuke. More power ups will be added over time as well as new fights and enviroments by using the turbo boosters. Ive had mixed reveiws on the ease of controls on this game so would be looking to hear what you guys think of the turret controls weather they are easy to use or could be set up differently. Hope you guys have as much fun in playing this as i did making it here is the link for the game
2015-05-15 01:36:00
Author:samuasp Posts: 73
2015-05-15 08:23:00 / Author: nerd_dog
i'll give it a look
2015-05-15 08:23:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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