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LittleBigPlanet 3

When is Sumo Digital going to acknowledge all the bugs etc?

Archive: 11 posts
2014-11-23 18:47:00 / Author: Sir Green Day
This is by far the worst release of a LBP game.

Its obvious that this game needed another few months of development.

I can live with bugs at release, it happens with every game these days. What Is NOT acceptable, is that Sumo Digtal has not said anything about all the bugs, especially the fact that we veteran users cannot access our previous level packs and other DLC.

Look how other devs handled similar situations.

Bioware Immediately took ownership of the issues in the new Assassins Creed game, and promptly put out several patches. The same with 343 Industries concerning the new Halo game.

Why is Sumo Digital remaining silent? They owe their customers an explanation. If they came out and acknowledged the issues and said they are working on a patch, I would be happy, but saying nothing, is just wrong.

I hope they get their act together soon.
2014-11-23 18:47:00
Sir Green Day
Posts: 15

2014-11-23 19:54:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout

They already did a few days ago...

their working on a patch that will fix all of the problems.
2014-11-23 19:54:00
Posts: 467

2014-11-23 20:23:00 / Author: nerd_dog
yea. I also keep track on twitter. they've said a few things there as well
2014-11-23 20:23:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-24 08:06:00 / Author: Ayneh
Amusingly on LBPC there were a couple of threads criticising Sumo for not inviting those who are known to break the game to the beta, with accusations of cronyism on top of that. They wrote the game would be broken on release as a consequence.

One of the early testers wrote that the focus of the beta "wasn't on finding glitches but playing the game how it's meant to be played" so yeah. If this is indicative of the overall attitude it's not surprising there are so many issues.
2014-11-24 08:06:00
Posts: 152

2014-11-24 08:17:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
The beta was mainly focused on the create mode. Which isn't the problem.
We had access to 1/2 of a story level. And all the dlc was unlocked in the beta. So the beta testers did their job.
2014-11-24 08:17:00
Posts: 467

2014-11-24 08:50:00 / Author: nerd_dog
i still believe that they messed up by not giving the testers more to test.... and if they were updating the beta every once in a while. the beta actually worked better than the retail version in a lot of ways.
2014-11-24 08:50:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-24 16:48:00 / Author: WARMAN7785
hmmm first steveni now this what is lbp coming to
2014-11-24 16:48:00
Posts: 133

2014-11-29 06:27:00 / Author: Magsd1962
Anyone else having problems with profile corruptions?
2014-11-29 06:27:00
Posts: 2

2014-11-29 13:34:00 / Author: Fox
Popit items are corrupted, constant loading and lag, items failing to import, missing audio objects, the inability to place stickers...what a disaster. When stuff like this happens, I wonder to myself whether the developers of the game were stoned when they quality-tested the game or not.
2014-11-29 13:34:00
Posts: 211

2014-11-29 13:35:00 / Author: Fox
How hard is it to play your own game, Sumo Digital? I can name a million bugs and I've only had the game for two weeks, whereas Sumo Digital had like four years.
2014-11-29 13:35:00
Posts: 211

2014-11-29 13:38:00 / Author: Fox
On the opposite side, at least they've made some improvements. I like how you can finally use the paint tool from the Move pack.
2014-11-29 13:38:00
Posts: 211
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