LittleBigPlanet 3
Something which Sumo and MM should fix in both LBP2 and 3.
Archive: 1 posts
2014-12-28 19:48:00 / Author: Fox
A huge feature of both LBP2 and LBP3 is their backwards compatibility with LBP1 levels. I mean, who doesn't enjoy going back to the basics, sometimes? I actually find myself enjoying the classic LBP1 levels more than advanced LBP2 and 3 levels. I don't know why. It's a shame that the game is dead. Anyway, some alert players might notice that some LBP1 levels will work correctly in LittleBigPlanet itself, but not LBP2 or 3. I've figured out this bug (or at least part of it). If you publish a level with a switch inverted or pre-activated in LBP1, it will glitch and act as if it is not activated in LBP2 or 3. Although I'm too lazy to figure out what the glitch is specifically, you can try this: In LBP1, take something, like a button, invert it, then connect it to a light. Publish it and play it in LBP2 or LBP3. The light's not activated! This screws up a lot of LBP1 levels and I think that it should be fixed now. Fortunately, neither of the companies have a page for glitch reporting, so kudos to both of them for being so professional that they don't have a freaking guy that checks up on some messages occasionally. (note that I'm not sure if this is the glitch exactly (You might even have to use something like a player sensor instead of a button to reproduce the glitch), but it's definitely something similar.)
2014-12-28 19:48:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
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