LittleBigPlanet 3
LBP3 is a mess... Can anyone help?
Archive: 14 posts
2014-12-27 02:07:00 / Author: BulletProofHUN
I got this game for Christmas, I have finished the story mode, although I liked the pervious LBP stories better, it was okay, today the PSN servers went back up and I wanted to play online with other players and as to my findings I literally could not join ANYONE, it really annoyed me because on LBP 1 & 2 I could join people all the time. On LBP3 I have frozen in the pod selecting/loading levels 3 times now and when I go to "Join us!" I have gotten countless time outs and other errors, people have also refused to let me in but that's understandable, is anyone else having issues with joining random players? Is this a known issue?! Please rant with me.
2014-12-27 02:07:00
Author:BulletProofHUN Posts: 7
2014-12-27 07:27:00 / Author: Sound Friction
This indeed is an known issue. The only big broken things right in the game is online-play and DLC (importing).
2014-12-27 07:27:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-27 07:27:00 / Author: ZombieKitty
I had that problem too but it's just a bug that's all
2014-12-27 07:27:00
Author:ZombieKitty Posts: 182
2014-12-27 07:39:00 / Author: BulletProofHUN
Well, it's good to know that it's a known issue, I really am waiting for the day it will be fixed, I also have DLC that is not in the PS Store so hopefully this all gets patched quickly as the game came out in November and we are nearing 2015. Has there been any official statement that Sumo Digital are working on it? Also, I am missing the beanie from LBP2 with the little strings coming off of it anyone else missing that too? Also what is the best way to find and reach out to all the Australian PS4 players playing LBP3? As I want to have good connection and play with people on PS4.
Sorry for all the questions haha. EDIT: I am missing the exact beanie I am wearing in my avatar also I just noticed too, I am missing the glasses I am wearing too, when I imported all my LBP stuff I didn't get those two items, probably more then just those 2 but only they come to mind right now. |
2014-12-27 07:39:00
Author:BulletProofHUN Posts: 7
2014-12-27 08:12:00 / Author: Sound Friction
Try to import a second time if you haven't already.
2014-12-27 08:12:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-27 08:24:00 / Author: BulletProofHUN
Hmm, I'll try that but if it doesn't work what shall I do?
2014-12-27 08:24:00
Author:BulletProofHUN Posts: 7
2014-12-27 08:29:00 / Author: Sound Friction
This probaly will, altho it is impossible now simce you need connection with PSN, wich is currently down.
2014-12-27 08:29:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-27 08:45:00 / Author: BulletProofHUN
I was playing online today, it got fixed, maybe not in your region.
2014-12-27 08:45:00
Author:BulletProofHUN Posts: 7
2014-12-27 10:40:00 / Author: methodactor
It's definitely a known issue. I fear people will start trading in the game if they don't sort it soon, I've already seen substantial reductions on new copies. It's a much smaller release than the likes of DriveClub and Destiny, it baffles me that one of the series' biggest features is completely broken.
Has anyone tried it using Share Play? |
2014-12-27 10:40:00
Author:methodactor Posts: 11
2014-12-27 15:15:00 / Author: BulletProofHUN
Yeah it's unbelievable that they couldn't bring out online the way it's supposed to be, the game was even delayed if I'm right, it also is a shame that LBP doesn't have an official forum or a support page where people can ask questions and have them answered by developers..
2014-12-27 15:15:00
Author:BulletProofHUN Posts: 7
2014-12-27 17:36:00 / Author: ZombieKitty
So your the dude who added me
I thought Sony was getting g to me now with a secret account |
2014-12-27 17:36:00
Author:ZombieKitty Posts: 182
2014-12-29 00:29:00 / Author: Fox
We never had a problem with our PS3 here in northeastern USA. I don't know why PSN was down for you guys. Maybe the PS3 servers were working fine.
2014-12-29 00:29:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2014-12-29 00:29:00 / Author: Fox
LBP3 is pretty buggy. Especially the PS4 version.
2014-12-29 00:29:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2014-12-29 13:30:00 / Author: FLUFFYCHPMUNK
I know how you feel there's a way out tho I just found it right now what you have to do is you have to press the start button in your pod then what you have to do is you go to settings then what you have to press is the online play button and then you configure your settings from there then it should work
2014-12-29 13:30:00
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