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LittleBigPlanet 3

Broken Beta Promises

Archive: 15 posts
2014-11-09 06:12:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
Way back in July StevanI sent me a LBP3 beta invite and I followed it through. I put the code in, but I never got the beta. And then I sent him around 3 messages, all of which he blatantly ignored and now LBP3 is about to come out. This just proves how untrustworthy he is. Ever since I got LBP2 I've wanted the rares, and then the chance to get the beta vest and bug blaster came along but due to someone I didn't get it. And if you don't believe me here's the message which he sent although I didn't want to put the code here just in case.
Hello Tomsnodgrass!

Here's your LittleBigPlanet 3 Private Beta invite!

Just sign up on that website with the following Access Code and Sony will email you when the beta launches next month to confirm your acceptance.

Access Code:
not putting on site

Best Regards

2014-11-09 06:12:00
Posts: 63

2014-11-09 06:25:00 / Author: nerd_dog
I don't believe any of this.
2014-11-09 06:25:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-09 06:46:00 / Author: yugnar
StevenI spent days asking for the ones who got the invite and their codes didn't work... This seems a little weird tbh... And you don't get the bug blaster just for participating in the Beta by the way.

Also, moved to LBP3 Discussion.
2014-11-09 06:46:00
Posts: 766

2014-11-09 07:27:00 / Author: nerd_dog
darn.. I reported some bugs too I was hoping for a bug blaster.. but the vest will still be awesome
2014-11-09 07:27:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-09 12:19:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
Fine don't believe me but people like R_v_2_0_1_3 , Verycoolme, Bagheadinc, and johensiak and Dragonvarsity I have already talked to.
2014-11-09 12:19:00
Posts: 63

2014-11-09 12:48:00 / Author: Ayneh
So after you put the code in on PSN Store the beta wasn't in your downloads list or anything?
2014-11-09 12:48:00
Posts: 152

2014-11-09 18:48:00 / Author: nerd_dog
yep. i'll continue not to believe you. You pretty much lost any credibility with me when you published music levels containing works by other people and claimed it as your own, Tom.
2014-11-09 18:48:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-09 23:29:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass

PSN Store? Wait yeah I did but it was the wrong length of code for that so It must've been the wrong code sent or something to do with the site it sent me to.
2014-11-09 23:29:00
Posts: 63

2014-11-09 23:32:00 / Author: RedPanda
This is not the Beta you're looking for...
2014-11-09 23:32:00
Posts: 293

2014-11-09 23:43:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
2014-11-09 23:43:00
Posts: 63

2014-11-10 05:35:00 / Author: Ayneh
Just to be clear:

1. you received your invite some time ago, before the beta began
2. you used the Access Code on
3. you later received an email with a beta code but it was the wrong length
4. you sent StevenI 3 messages between then and now which he never replied to

Since I was in the second wave of invites it worked differently for me, I just had to sign-in at and got a code straight away. I just want to be sure I understand the course of events.

I would recommend contacting another community manger on the forum and passing your concerns on, along with forwarding those 3 messages that StevenI ignored to them. If they don't help I would look to make a more formal complaint.
2014-11-10 05:35:00
Posts: 152

2014-11-10 08:55:00 / Author: nerd_dog
I was in the first wave of invites and.. I just got an email from playstation. not from stevenI himself. I also didn't get it until the day the beta was opened so..
I never heard anything about getting invited before the beta started.
StevenI doesn't go around lying to people about beta invites and whatnot.

maybe someone knew your email and pranked you?
2014-11-10 08:55:00
Posts: 1483

2014-11-10 23:46:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
So how many digits were your codes, I don't want to know the code just how many digits, because mine was 8 digits, was that the correct amount? (I was in the first wave)
2014-11-10 23:46:00
Posts: 63

2014-11-11 05:20:00 / Author: Ayneh
I think if you're in NA regions you got an email. I was messaged by him on LBPC with an invite much the same as Tom's.

It was an alphanumeric code with 12 characters.

Were you trying to use the Access Code on PS Store? From the message I get the impression the access code (the one you use to sign up) is different from the actual beta code (the one you redeem on PS Store) but I may be wrong.
2014-11-11 05:20:00
Posts: 152

2014-11-11 07:54:00 / Author: Tomsnodgrass
Well If that's the case I only received the first code, I never got the second one.
2014-11-11 07:54:00
Posts: 63
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